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Exploration European Expansion Worldwide in an Attempt to gain Land, Bullion, Slaves For*** Gain, Glory and God Economic Impact Exchange of Plants, Animals.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploration European Expansion Worldwide in an Attempt to gain Land, Bullion, Slaves For*** Gain, Glory and God Economic Impact Exchange of Plants, Animals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploration European Expansion Worldwide in an Attempt to gain Land, Bullion, Slaves For*** Gain, Glory and God Economic Impact Exchange of Plants, Animals Humans, diseases, culture, food Language, money, goods and Services and more…

2 God, Glory, Gain, Exploration  Economic: – Gold – Natural resources – Trade  Religious  Competition for empire and belief in superiority of own culture

3 First Human Explorers


5 ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF EXPLORATION: Exchanged goods and ideas Improved navigational tools and ships Claimed territories (Map)

6 Bering Straight (Land Bridge – Can you see it?)

7 Portuguese Prince Henry “ The Navigator ” He could not explore so he made the maps and invented navigation instruments Portugal led Exploration in the world

8 Portuguese Caravel Ship 1 st Ships made for exploring

9 Christopher Columbus  1492 discovered Island in Caribbean “ San Salvador ” near Cuba not INDIA (they were trying to get a shorter route to India. They thought they were in India so called it West Indies and called the natives “Indians”. Sailed for Spain ’ s Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand even he was Portuguese


11 4 Voyages of Christopher Columbus



14 Balboa saw Pacific Ocean by crossing Panama

15 Amerigo Vespucci  North America is named after this explorer  Explores Americas 1497 BUT NEVER ENTERED THE U.S.

16 Ponce de Leon Discovers Florida

17 English Sailor claims New York area for the Dutch Henry Hudson


19 John Cabot  Italian Explorer for the English 1497  Greenland and Canada

20 La Salle explores Great Lakes discovers the mouth of the Mississippi WHERE IS THE DELTA?

21 Spanish Explorer Ferdinand Magellan Discovered Pacific Ocean “Pacifica-Peaceful” 1519-1522 1 ship returned to Spain of the 5 Ships that sailed.

22 Ferdinand Magellan ’ s Route  Credited for Circumnavigating the Globe

23 “ Coronado Butte ” in Grand Canyon Coronado Bay In San Diego CONQUISTADOR Francisco Coronado

24 Hernando De Soto Discovers entire Mississippi River

25 Spanish Fort St. Augustine Florida

26 Spanish Conquistadors  Spanish explorers who were allegiant to the Crown militarily but out for the Glory and riches.  Hernon Cortes - Aztecs in Mexico City 1519 (3 years to wipe out Montezuma)  Francisco Pizzaro - Peru’s Incan Civilization 1531-1532

27 Conquistadors destroyed civilizations  Cortes turned on Montezuma and people within 24 hours of entering the “ Golden City ” (Mexico City, Mexico)  Cortes Enslaved the Aztecs to find gold  King of Aztecs - Montezuma was taken prisoner and eventually killed, but people revolted  Aztec Civilization ended due Spanish bringing small pox, flu, causing starvation, and warfare.

28 Bartholomeu Dias  Portuguese Explorer  Explored western coast of Africa & South African tip, finding route to India.  The voyage back he discovered the Cape of Good Hope in May 1488. He named it Cape of Good Hope the "Cape of Storms" (Cabo das Tormentas). Renamed by King John II of Portugal as the Cape of Good Hope. Cape of Good Hope John II of Portugal  Europeans could trade directly with India and Asia, avoiding expensive middle men.

29 Vasco da Gama  Portuguese explorer  1498 Gama 1st to lead expedition around Cape of Good Hope, the southern tip of Africa to India.

30 Tell me what you know… 1.What were 3 motivating forces for exploration? 2.What were 2 obstacles to exploration 3.Who were the first nations to explore North America? 4.What did the Portuguese invent for exploration? 5.Why did the Spanish refer to the natives of the Carribean as Indians. 6.What were the problems associated with exploration and cultural exchange? 7.Have we explored all we can explore on this planet today? 8.Have the reasons for exploration changed in modern times? 9.How did the reformation movement lend to exploration. 10.How did exploration help grow the power of Kings and Queens?

31 What helped the Reformation and Exploration Expand around the world? German Inventor Johannes Gutenberg ‘ s Printing Press. 1 st thing it printed in mass – Christian Holy Bible

32 World Colonization  North, South America and Africa  Slavery - Triangular Trade Route

33 13 American Colonies

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