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Lattice Technology New Product Feature Highlights October 2011 Product Release.

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1 Lattice Technology New Product Feature Highlights October 2011 Product Release

2 Lattice3D Reporter. 5.0a

3 Lattice Technology, Inc. 3 [R-1] Windows Server 2008 Support Description: Support Windows Server 2008 32bit / Windows Server 2008 R2 64bit (WOW64). October 2011

4 Lattice Technology, Inc. 4 [R-2] Microsoft Excel 2010 Support Description: Support Microsoft Excel 2010. October 2011

5 Lattice Technology, Inc. 5 [R-3] Support Optimized XVL File Description: Lattice3D Reporter can import XVL files which has been optimized in XVL Studio. October 2011 XVL Studio Options dialog XVL file is optimized when this check box is on.

6 Lattice Technology, Inc. 6 [R-4] Support Multiple Workbook Description: When Excel report is generated by Lattice3D Reporter Template, you can limit the number of worksheets in a document and divide the document into multiple workbooks. October 2011 Large Assembly Model When handling a large assembly model, hundreds of worksheets are created in a single document. Single Workbook Multiple Workbook By dividing the document into multiple workbooks, you can minimize the file size of each document. Template parameter: BOOK_SHEET_MAX Template OP

7 Lattice Technology, Inc. 7 [R-5] Snapshot Enhancement 1 Description: Color, transparency and markup are applied in snapshot. October 2011 Color Transparency Markup *Snapshots are created in XVL Studio applications.

8 8 [R-6] Snapshot Enhancement 2 Description: Process animation paths and text alerts are included in snapshot images. October 2011 *To include animation paths in snapshots, following template parameter must be set: SNAPSHOT_ _ _PROC_OPT = 1 Display path Display text alert Template OP

9 Lattice Technology, Inc. 9 [R-7] New Setting File Parameters 1/2 Description: Following parameters are added. October 2011 ParametersDescription VIEW_DIRECTION_TYPESpecifies the initial view direction. VIEW_INIT_ACTIVE_CAMERASpecifies whether to apply the valid camera to the initial viewpoint. VIEW_INIT_FITSpecifies whether to fit objects in a view area in the specified initial view direction. VIEW_CM_DM_CIRCLE_SCALESpecifies the ratio (0-1) of the leader line head shape (black circle) for dimension texts. VIEW_SHOW_PROFILE_SHELL_ATTRIBUTESpecifies whether to always show display attributes of profile line shells regardless of the reflection of shell display settings. VIEW_USER_AXIS_SCALESpecifies the size of the user coordinate axis shown in the 3D space. VIEW_DEFAULT_LIGHT_MODESpecifies the default light type.

10 Lattice Technology, Inc. 10 [R-7] New Setting File Parameters 2/2 October 2011 ParametersDescription FILE_EXT_MODESpecifies the data mode of cameras, layouts, snapshots and process resources. OFFICE_SNAPSHOT_CONFIRMSpecifies whether to show the message for confirmation upon snapshot creation or modification. PROCESS_ANIM_ALERT_INTERVALSpecifies the interval for alert highlight display. PROCESS_ANIM_ALERT_PART_COLORSpecifies the color of the pick target part for alert highlight display. PROFILE_DISPLAY_TYPESpecifies the method for showing cross-sections. *See “Lattice3D Reporter Start-up Options Manual” for more detail.

11 Lattice Technology, Inc. 11 Questions? E. T.+1.415.274.1670 F. +1.415.274.1671 October 2011

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