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Religion Test Review CRCT Coach Pages 131-133. Georgia Performance Standard GPS: SS6G11 The student will describe the cultural characteristics of Europe.

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Presentation on theme: "Religion Test Review CRCT Coach Pages 131-133. Georgia Performance Standard GPS: SS6G11 The student will describe the cultural characteristics of Europe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Religion Test Review CRCT Coach Pages 131-133

2 Georgia Performance Standard GPS: SS6G11 The student will describe the cultural characteristics of Europe. Describe the major religions in Europe, include: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Essential Question: How are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam similar?

3 Judaism Founder: Abraham Holy Book: Torah Followers: Jews Number of Followers: 15 million Additional Facts: Torah is the first five books of the writings of Moses, believed to be given to Moses by God at Mt. Sinai. Jews in Europe were nearly wiped out by Hitler and the Nazi Germany. Oldest Religion

4 Judaism Prophets Abraham Isaac Jacob Moses Aaron

5 Judaism

6 Famous Jews

7 Christianity Founder: Jesus Christ 30 AD Holy Book: Bible Followers Called: Christians Number of Followers: 2.1 Billion Additional Facts: The five books of Moses make up the first five books of the Bible. Beliefs are based on the teachings of Jesus: love of God and neighbor, a regard for justice, a belief that Jesus is the son of God.

8 Christianity Holy Book: Bible

9 Famous Christians

10 Prophets of the Holy Book hristianity hristianity Too many to list!

11 Islam Founder: Muhammad 610 AD Holy Book: Koran Followers Called: Muslims Number of Followers: 1.3 Billion Additional Facts: Muslims believe that Muhammad was the last of the prophets, which include Abraham and Jesus. Number of followers: Rapidly Growing Five Pillars: 1. Praying to God 2. Giving to charity 3. Belief in and the submission to one God (Allah) 4. Fasting during the month of Ramadan 5. One trip in their life time to Mecca.

12 Islam Holy Book: Koran

13 Islam Prophets Adam Idris (Enoch) Nuh (Noah) Hud Saleh Ibrahim (Abraham) Isma'il (Ishmael) Ishaq (Isaac) Lut (Lot) Ya'qub (Jacob) Yousef (Joseph) Shu'aib Ayyub (Job) Musa (Moses) Harun (Aaron) Dhu'l-kifl (Ezekiel) Dawud (David) Sulaiman (Solomon) Ilias (Elias) Al-Yasa (Elisha) Yunus (Jonah) Zakariyya (Zechariah) Yahya (John) Isa or Jesus Muhammad (Their Founder)

14 Famous Muslims plzY1M

15 Test Review 1. Which is the oldest religion? 2. Which is growing at the fastest rate? 3. How are the three religions similar? 4. Which religion worships on Sunday? 5. Which group of people was nearly wiped out by Hitler? 6. Which religion requires it’s followers to pray five times a day? Judaism Christianity Islam Jewish

16 Test Review List the follower for each religion Religion Followers IslamMuslims JudaismJews Christianity Christians Which religion is based on the teachings of Jesus? Christianity Which religion is in most parts of the world today? Christianity

17 Essential Question How are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam similar? They each have a holy book. They each pray to God. They each have the same golden rule. Each religion has similar prophets.


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