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Introduction to Islam. What is Islam? The word Islam means: “Peaceful submission to the will of God.” Muslims submit to God through worship and righteous.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Islam. What is Islam? The word Islam means: “Peaceful submission to the will of God.” Muslims submit to God through worship and righteous."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Islam

2 What is Islam? The word Islam means: “Peaceful submission to the will of God.” Muslims submit to God through worship and righteous living. Islam is the second largest and fastest growing religion in the world! Islam is a prophetic religion. Muslims worship Allah, which is the Arabic word for God.

3 Who started Islam? Muhammad is God’s final prophet, called the “Seal of the Prophets” Born in Mecca, Arabia in ~570CE Died in 632CE Worked as a travelling merchant known for honest dealings Gabriel appeared to him in 610, and began to recite to him the verses that would later be compiled into the Qur’an

4 Other prophets recognized in Islam: Noah Abraham Moses Jesus

5 When did Islam start? Muslims mark the beginning of Islam from the Hijra, 622 C.E. (when Muhammad went to Yathrib, which is now called Medina). The Hijra marks the beginning of the Muslim calendar. 623 C.E. became 1 A.H. (one year After the Hijra).

6 Where did Islam start?

7 Scriptures The Koran (Al Qur’an) The Revealed word of God The Hadith sayings and actions of Mohammed

8 Muslim Worship Mosque (Masjid) Imam – leader of prayer Muezzin – calls the faithful to prayer

9 Core tenets Fundamental belief statement, the Shahadah: “There is no God but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God.” Further beliefs outlined in Muhammad’s farewell speech, recounted in the “Hadith”: ◦ Belief in one God without images or icons ◦ Equality of all believers without distinction of race or class ◦ The importance of piety ◦ Sanctity of life, property and honour ◦ Abolition of interest and vendettas ◦ Better treatment of women ◦ Inheritances to be distributed among relatives of both genders ◦ Fair distribution of wealth

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