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Understanding audio feedback Chrissi Nerantzi Academic Developer The quality of the feedback rather than its existence or absence is what determines its.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding audio feedback Chrissi Nerantzi Academic Developer The quality of the feedback rather than its existence or absence is what determines its."— Presentation transcript:

1 understanding audio feedback Chrissi Nerantzi Academic Developer The quality of the feedback rather than its existence or absence is what determines its power!!!

2 Aims Introduce innovative audio feedback practice in line with HE standards. Objectives Participants will be able to create audio feedback in mp3 format and identify opportunities to apply to own practice.

3 Create a portrait … of your new partner. Use card crayons provided.

4 Academic Development Unit: What we do Support Academics HE in FE partners Our vision is for an inclusive community of practice embracing scholarship, global citizenship and lifelong learning for all members of the Universitys learning community.

5 Academic Development Unit: Structure

6 Academic Development Unit: Programmes

7 Academic Development Unit: How we work networking

8 Academic Development Unit: Showcasing Good Practice

9 1.facilitates the development of self-assessment (reflection) in learning 2. encourages teacher and peer dialogue around learning 3. helps clarify what good performance is (goals, criteria, expected standards) 4. provides opportunities to close the gap between current and desired performance 5. delivers high quality information to students about their learning 6. encourages positive motivational beliefs and self-esteem 7. provides information to teachers that can be used to help shape the teaching HEA good feedback principles feedback how to audio feedback DIY summary

10 What do our students say? Findings from the FDTL5 project (Oxford Brookes): Engaging students with assessment feedback, what works?Engaging students with assessment feedback, what works? cascade partner initiative: Dr. G. Sanders, University of Sunderland (2007) Perceived unfairness Lack of trust Emotional responses Meaningless Inconsistencies Difficult to understand Lack of understanding of assessment criteria Verbal feedback feedback how to innovation audio feedback summary

11 engage point out success stimulate improvement link to action challenge and stretch timely non judgmental verbal feedback feedback -> feedforward Validity and content is important when giving feedback but language will often determine its success. Sue Eaves feedback how to innovation audio feedback summary

12 listen to student voice enhance student experience provide more meaningful and effective feedback explore more innovative feedback approaches (pool of strategies!) feedback how to innovation audio feedback summary

13 Created a portrait Creator: Please give the portrait to your partner. Receiver: Please provide feedback

14 feedbackResearch Podcasting for Pedagogic Purposes Special Interest Group (PPP SIG) Sounds Good Project: Leeds Metropolitan University Audio Supported Enhanced Learning Project (ASEL): University of Bradford & University of Hertfordshire Informal Mobile Podcasting And Learning Adaptation (IMPALA) Project: University of Leicester, Kingston University, University of Nottingham, University of Gloucestershire … feedback how to audio feedback DIY summary

15 feedback student voice more personalised and caring (tone of voice, natural language) received quickly understand better more in depth advantage of replaying portability foreign students: additional practice with their language skills dyslexic students: easier to listen than to read! Students engage more!!! feedback how to audio feedback DIY summary Lets listen to one!!! Wow, this was cool to listen to, easy clear and straightforward, its the kind of feedback you cant refuse to hear, once you press play you get the good points and the bad points, when I came on to listen to it, it was like, oh dear this could be sad news and was scared of listening to it but I like the completeness of the feedback, sure things that have been helpful and I think I will be better doing the same thing now even without seeing the returned work. Thanks, Anne and I think this was a great idea and surely audio feedback is a plus. Source from Anne Cunninghams presentation Experiences with audio feedback, Learning Matters Lunch Dec 08

16 feedback how to audio feedback DIY summary Audio Feedback Workshop (since Oct 08) planned sessions one-to-one Groups Autonomous study (wiki)

17 feedback Add your suggestions to the flipchart Tips for providing audio feedback What would be on your list? What is important? What should/could be included? What do we need to watch out for? feedback how to audio feedback DIY summary

18 feedback Keep it short!!! Introduce yourself to the student(s) in a friendly manner Use students name throughout Use conversational language Dont re-record misspeaks Speak clearly Say which assignment/task you are giving feedback on Outline the main elements of the comments Work steadily through the assignment/task, explain notes Refer to assessment criteria Explain thought process What about the mark? Suggestion: leave it out, make it the audio first part of a dialogue!!! Offer a few suggestions for improvement Listen to it first! Invite comments back from the student(s) Round things off in a friendly way … feedback how to audio feedback DIY summary

19 feedback how to audio feedback DIY summary And now what? Transfer and share! email VLE (selective release) blog with supporting audio … Do you have a mobile phone with you? Lets provide audio feedback to each other on the portrait you received!

20 free audio editing software (portable version available) feedback digital voice recorder basic audio editing software (portable) mp3 recorder feedback how to audio feedback DIY summary record from your phone online collaboration suite

21 feedback how to audio feedback DIY summary Audio feedback additional method formative, summative more personalised mobile for individual students and/or groups students love it!

22 extra materials, handouts etc.

23 feedback checklist What kind of feedback do your students receive? When does it occur in the learning process? What methods do you use? How often? What feedback do you get about providing feedback? What other methods could you try? What are you going to try?


25 Keep it short!!! Introduce yourself to the student(s) in a friendly manner Use students name throughout Use conversational language Dont re-record misspeaks Speak clearly Say which assignment/task you are giving feedback on Outline the main elements of the comments Work steadily through the assignment/task, explain notes Refer to assessment criteria Explain thought process What about the mark? Suggestion: leave it out, make it the audio first part of a dialogue!!! Offer a few suggestions for improvement Listen to it first! Invite comments back from the student(s) Round things off in a friendly way … Audiofeedback Tips!

26 feedback something...... positive – to improve - positive Clear Specific Constructive Personal Honest Kind Make it fresh keep filling straightforward aim for a balance of tastes OU feedback sandwich feedback how to innovation audio feedback next step

27 Feedback Student voice (HEA clip) watch n discuss /assessment/senlef feedback how to innovation audio feedback next step

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