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Presented by Stanley Chand & Damien Prescod.  Introduction  Biometric systems  Generic Biometric systems  Application in types of Biometrics  Biometrics.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Stanley Chand & Damien Prescod.  Introduction  Biometric systems  Generic Biometric systems  Application in types of Biometrics  Biometrics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Stanley Chand & Damien Prescod

2  Introduction  Biometric systems  Generic Biometric systems  Application in types of Biometrics  Biometrics Task Force  Biometrics use cases  Fingerprint recognition  Iris recognition  Social and Cultural issues  Advantages and Disadvantages  Future

3  Biometrics: Greek in its root - “Bio” meaning Life & “Metron” meaning Measure.  Originally used as a term referring to the study of Biological Sciences.  Today more frequently used as a term referring to the unique traits and characteristics of humans.  More precise focuse on those traits and there uses in “Security”.  Currently the use of Biometrics is one of the most secure authentication and authorization methods employed in industry, private organizations, government, military and personal equipment.

4  Biometrics can be placed in 2 groups:  Physiological : Face, Fingerprint, Hand, Iris, DNA  Behavioral : Signature, Voice, Key Stroke.  Biometrics can be used in conjunction with Possession and Knowledge bases security measures to make authentication more robust and fool proof. 1.Possession Based: “Token” Security tags or cards. 2. Knowledge Based : Code or Password.  Biometrics has its limitations however and all forms are not so well equipped for rugged and wide-scaled security applications. “ Clarified in Disadvantages”

5  Biometric Systems can be integrated with networked or telecommunications technology to provide vast intra and inter operational operational modes to give rise to Tele Biometric Systems; “Police, U.S Customs, Interpol”.  Data Collection or “ Enrollment” Stage  Test or Verification Stage.  Biometric Systems need to be secure else serious compromises can occur.  Are subject to errors just as in any man made system.

6  Measurements of Performance are:  False Match Rate “FMR”:> Probability that the system incorrectly matches an input with stored data templates. Crucial if privileges are in question.  False Reject Rate “FRR”:> Probability that the system declares data is non-matching when it is. Thereby restricting a genuine subject there privileges. Can be embarrassing to client.  Receiver Operating Characteristics “ROC”:> Is a graphical plot of FRR against FMR and can provide better understanding of the system performance, for better character selection.  Equal Error Rate “EER”:> The value on the ROC plot where the FMR and FRR are equal. This measurement determines how accurate the system is.  Failure to Enrol “FTE”:> The percentage of data at enrollment that is deemed invalid. Where the sensor has received poor quality data.  Failure to Capture FTC:> Failure to capture occurs when the system fails to receive valid biometric data during presentation.  Template Capacity:> Amount of data that can be stored in the template.

7 Schematic of Biometric System: “Hamming EC Algorithm”

8  Finger Prints!!  There is wide-scaled use of Finger Print and Face recognition verification, in many organizations, customs and immigration departments are examples, not only in the United Kingdom & United States but world wide.  These methods are also employed in consumer gadgets Such as laptops and cellular phones and even USB sticks.  Also in military, industry and private organizations where Robust security is required for employees.

9 Deoxyribonucleic Acid, Hand Prints, Facial Thermographs are other less commonly used Biometrics. Voice Recognition is also used widely in consumer products as well as industry and governmental agencies in conjunction with other security parameters.

10  Biometrics Task Force leads Department of Defense (DoD) activities to program and synchronize biometric technologies and capabilities and to operate and maintain DoD’s authoritative biometric database to support the nation security strategy.  Biometric Task Force is a premier organization dedicated to protecting the nation through the employment of biometric capabilities.

11  Personal Recovery.  Maritime Interdiction Operation.  Disaster Relief.  Controlling Access.  Access to Services Non U.S Personal

12 Only biometrics verify you as you  Tokens can be:  lost  stolen  duplicated (some)  forgotten  Passwords can be:  forgotten  shared  observed  broken

13 User provides samples by means of scan User sample(s) are registered as templates. http://www.biometrics. ials/Biometrics101/Basic Terms/tabid/111/Default. aspx

14 Fingerprint Technology Local Features Characteristics  Type  Orientation  Spatial Frequency  Curvature  Position utorials/Biometrics101/ALittleScience/tabid/ 112/Default.aspx

15  Iris recognition is based on the most mathematically unique biometric – the iris of eye.  Human Iris is very unique even in twins, and also in individuals’ right and left eye.  The iris itself is stable throughout a Lifespan, since the physical characteristics of the iris do not change with age “Permanence”.  No other biometric solutions can provide the same level of accuracy, speed or cost effectiveness found with iris recognition technology.

16  Statistical probability of iris achieving a false accept is 1 in 1.2 million.  Examines more than 240 of 400 measurable variables in the human eye.  Uniqueness=Accuracy o The probability of two individual having same iris pattern is 1 in 10^72. o Twins have same DNA but different iris patterns. o Right and left eye are totally different. o Stable for life after age 1.

17  Speed of throughput o Exhaustive one to many search identifies individual in seconds. o Performs a matching rate of 100,000 per second (2 seconds). o No degradation of accuracy.  Highly Scalable o Supports extremely large database. o Robust capabilities permit only one enrolment per individual. http://www.thep ometriciris.shtml

18  Captures a digital photograph of Iris.  Analyses the unique Iris pattern.  Creates a unique 512 byte code.  Compares and matches unique codes in database.  Authenticates or reject individual.


20  In any large scenario some portion of the general population is likely to be physiologically unable to use one or more of the techniques.  Some people have a concern for the physical effects of the technology upon them. This accounts for the greater acceptance of the newer iris recognition technology over the older retinal scan technology.  Religious and cultural concerns may also need to be accommodated by organizations implementing biometric technology. For example, certain cultures and religions prohibit or look with a great disfavour upon photographing of individuals.

21 TypeUniversalityAcceptableUniquenessPermanenceCollectabilityPerformanceDifficulty of Circumvention FaceHigh LowMediumLow Finger PrintMedium High MediumHighLow Hand PrintMedium HighMedium IrisHighLowHigh MediumHigh DNAHighLowHigh LowHighLow Retina ScanHighLowHighMediumLowHigh SignatureLowHighLow HighLow VoiceMediumHighLow MediumLow Facial Thermograph High LowHighLowHigh

22  Within the near future the use of Biometrics will become more common place, due to the volatile environment of today “terrorism” and the crimes such as “ Identity Theft”.  As it becomes more socially understood and accepted security will become more rigid and less of a worry because of its unique and versatile modes of operation.  The Cost of older methods such as finger printing, facial recognition and such will also decline in the wide-scaled acceptable methods, hence more practical uses can be fostered.  Already its uses have been applied to a wide range of applications and purposes from personal banking, regular computer use, high levelled security, immigration, security services databases, etc….. This shows no signs of its uses declining.  There is no indication that it is a mature market or technology, rather a young one and biometrics may very well me the “de facto” standard for security measures in the Future.!

23 1. 2.Security + Exam Guide-Christopher Crayton 3.CISSP-Shon Harris 4. Biometrics, Internet article (n.d). Retrieved on (29 th Feb 2008) 5. Google Images 6.



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