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ICS104 Computer Programming Second Semester 2012/2013 ICS1041 Tuwailaa Alshammari College of Computer Science & Engineering University.

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Presentation on theme: "ICS104 Computer Programming Second Semester 2012/2013 ICS1041 Tuwailaa Alshammari College of Computer Science & Engineering University."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICS104 Computer Programming Second Semester 2012/2013 ICS1041 Tuwailaa Alshammari College of Computer Science & Engineering University of Hail

2 Today’s Outline ICS1042  Course Overview  Grading

3 Course Goals ICS1043  To provide physics students with basic knowledge of programming in C and problem solving.  Pre-requisites:  None  Textbook:  C Program Design for Engineers, 2/e, by Jeri R. Hanley & Elliot B. Koffman. Addison Wesley, 2001.

4 Instructor ICS1044  Tuwailaa Alshammari, MS.  College of Computer Science P1-004  Phone: none.  Office hours:  U: 12:00 – 12:50pm (Computer Lab)  Email:  Web:

5 Course Overview ICS1045  Course On my Website:  Documents  Class Notes (PPT) - Course website  Assignments  Homework and Lab Exercises.  Announcements  On the course website  Network Lab  Lab in the second floor (Department of Tourism and Archaeology lab).  Need to learn programming using code::blocks.

6 Homework and Lab Exercises ICS1046  Homework and lab exercises are submitted to my email address (  Must submit either (.doc or.c) file, they have to have in the following name format:  XXXXX_HW1.doc  XXXXX_lab2.c  Where XXXXX is the last 5 digits of your student number.  Penalty for Late Submission  1 st day: 50% off  2 nd day: you’ll get ZERO.  Discussion with your classmates is ok.  MUST NOT copy each other’s work.  No plagiarism! Cheating will result in getting F.

7 Grading 7ICS104 Major one exam15% Major Two exam15% Laboratory15% Final Exam45% Quiz’s + Exercises + Homework + Projects + other assignments10%

8 Grading ICS1048 Total Letter grade >95 A+ 90-94A 85-89B+ 80-84B 75-79C+ 70-74C 65-69D+ 60-64D Below 60F

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