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“Prelude to Global War”. Significant Facts 1. Total War: war fought not only by armed forces at the battlefront but by civilians in factories and homes.

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Presentation on theme: "“Prelude to Global War”. Significant Facts 1. Total War: war fought not only by armed forces at the battlefront but by civilians in factories and homes."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Prelude to Global War”

2 Significant Facts 1. Total War: war fought not only by armed forces at the battlefront but by civilians in factories and homes 2. Global War: was fought on all major seas and in Africa, Asia, and Europe- involved over 60 nations 3. Three Major Battle Areas 1. Africa = North African Theater 2. Asia = Pacific Theater 3. Europe = European Theater

3 Sides..Who fought who? Axis PowersAllied Powers Italy Germany Japan France Great Britain Soviet Union (USSR)

4 Leaders 1. Italy = Fascist Leader Benito Mussolini (1922) 2. Germany = Dictator Adolf Hitler (1933) 3. Japan = Emperor Hirohito (1926) 1. General/Prime Minister Hideki Tojo (1936) 4. France = Charles de Gaulle 5. Great Britain = Winston Churchill 6. Soviet Union = Joseph Stalin (1924) 7. U.S. = FDR (1932-1945) Harry Truman (1945)

5 Axis Nations Philosophy Imperial Japan controlled by military looking to expand empire Fascist Italy led by Dictator Mussolini “return to glory days” Nazi Germany led by Dictator Hitler “superior mentality”

6 Early Axis Aggression (1930-1939) Withdrew from the League of Nations Joined together to form a military alliance = AXIS POWERS Engaged in one act of aggression after another without any opposition Violated major international peace agreements = Treaty of Versailles and League of Nations

7 Basic Causes of WWII/ Axis Goals: MINT! 1. Militarism: 1. Built up military: arms and techniques; psychologically prepared their people for war or would use military on their own people to maintain power 2. Imperialism 1. Axis Nations claimed they were have-not nations 3. Nationalism: 1. Considered themselves superior and destined to rule over lesser people 4. Totalitarianism: 1. Totalitarian dictatorships scorned ideas of democracy 2. Types of leaders were about to come to power because of World Depression (economic upheaval leads to political upheaval) 3. Axis countries openly declared their intent to destroy Democracy.

8 Italy – Fascist Leader Benito Mussolini 1. WW I Soldier 2. Political Activist 3. Teacher and Journalist 4. Felt Italy was shortchanged after WWI – all the spoils of war went to England and France 5. Founded a revolutionary Fascist Political Party.


10 FASCISM – a political philosophy that puts a nation or race above the individual party……The Nation must look to the past……Try to restore the grandeur the nation once was…..ROMAN EMPIRE 1. 1922 – Mussolini – nicknamed “IL duce” the leader 2. He became Prime Minister of Italy 3. Set up his secret police “black shirts”

11 Germany – Adolph Hitler (1933) 1. Poorly educated painter from Austria 2. Wounded twice in WW I 3. Enraged by German defeat in WW I and the terms of the Treaty of Versailles 4. 1919 became the leader of the German Workers Party which became the NAZI Party 5. 1923 tried to overthrow the republic government of Germany……failed…..and was sent to jail…..while in jail he wrote “Mein Kampf”


13 Mein Kampf – “My Struggles”…. Booked explained the problems of Germany and what he would do to solve them…..over I million copies sold in Germany

14 1. Promised – new economy – revival of the German Empire prior to WW I 2. Became Chancellor of Germany – Nazi party took control of the parliament 3. He created the Third Reich

15 Domestic Policy 1. Suspended all civil liberties 2. Blamed the Jews for all the economic problems 3. “Anti – Semitism” 4. Boycott all Jewish owned shops – all books burned 5. Jews paced in concentration camps – “Yellow Star”

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