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Presentation on theme: "WORLD WAR II: RISE OF TOTALITARIAN LEADERS MARCH 10 & 11, 2015."— Presentation transcript:





5 GREAT DEPRESSION CAUSES Objective: Analyze & differentiate the factors leading to World War II by learning about totalitarian leaders. Purpose: To examine how the rise of certain leaders and the acceptance of the public/society can lead to many sudden political changes. Standard(s): 2.13 Historical Thinking Skill: Analyze & Synthesis

6 ANNOUNCEMENTS: SEMESTER 2 DISCIPLINE PLAN & PROCEDURES  Use of cellphone / mp3 device: I will grant the use of the cellphone or mp3 device during SPECIFIC segments of the lesson. 1. Warm-up: No! 2. Activity: Foldable’s, in-class work: YES! 3. Lecture Notes, Video Notes, Picture Analysis & Discussion: No! 4. Assessment / Assignment (depends): YES! 5. Closure/Exit Slip: No! Failure to comply with rules or directions WILL result in disciplinary actions.  Classroom Behavior & Participation Update: I will both REWARD and PUNISH Classroom Behavior & Participation with points. I will REWARD based on participation, raising hand, discussion, answering questions, and good behavior. I will PUNISH based on classroom disruption, insubordination, off-task behavior, not following rules / procedures, etc.  will be used this semester as a tool to allow me to remind YOU when assignments may be due, upcoming tests, and other general things of importance to the class and YOUR education. This will be a required assignment.  Use of Notebooks: Notebooks will be assigned to each and every student and will be color coded based on classroom period. Notebooks will be retrieved prior to the warm-up and returned after the closure. Notebooks DO NOT need to be taken home. They can stay in the classroom.  Late Policy: Late assignments will result in ½ off after the due date.

7 WARM-UP: CNN STUDENT NEWS Receive Notebook and write NAME & CLASS PERIOD # on the front (if possible) and back. Write down 5 IMPORTANT facts as you watch the video. 1 point = 1 correctly written fact. I need to see at least (a minimum of) 5 facts.

8 - Quickwrite: The world of the 1930's was a tremendously unstable place, due to economic crisis and a slow recovery from the devastation of World War I. Several leaders catapulted to power on this shaky foundation, including Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, and Benito Mussolini. Reflect on the global conditions that created opportunities for those leaders. What was going on in the world? Activating Prior Knowledge: What do you know about conditions in Europe and Russia in the 1930's? WARM-UP: QUICKWRITE & DISCUSSION

9 - Totalitarian Rule: Govt. exerts total control over a nation. It dominates every aspect of life, using terror to suppress individual rights and silence all forms of opposition. Ex. Fascism & Communism. Fascism: Emphasizes the importance of the nation or an ethnic group and supreme authority of the leader. ACTIVITY: RISE OF TOTALITARIAN LEADERS IN EUROPE

10 - Stalin’s Soviet Union: After Lenin’s death, Stalin abolished NEP & launched “5 year plans” to modernize agriculture & build new industries. Collective Farming owned by the state. Forced peasants off land that resisted. Punished resistance. Millions of people died. Send 5 Mill. Peasants to labor camps. Purges: Removing enemies. “Purified” Communist Party by getting rid of his opponents. “Show Trials” where only verdict was “guilty”. ACTIVITY: RISE OF TOTALITARIAN LEADERS IN EUROPE

11 - Fascism in Italy: Totalitarian Govt. rose from failures of WWI. Benito Mussolini believed Treaty of Versailles should have granted Italy more territory. Called himself Il Duce (“the leader”), organized Fascist groups throughout Italy. Relied on gangs of Fascist thugs (Blackshirts) to terrorize and bring control to those who opposed him. Pledged to end economic crisis in Italy. In name of “efficiency” fascist party suspended elections, outlawed other pol. Parties, & established a dictatorship. ACTIVITY: RISE OF TOTALITARIAN LEADERS IN EUROPE

12 - Hitler’s Rise to Power: Adolf Hitler, an angered Austrian painter, felt enraged by the Treaty of Versailles. Joined Nazi Party, a small political group  National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Nazism – Form of fascism based on Hitler’s ideas about German nationalism & racial superiority. Nov. 1923, Hitler & 3,000 tried to overthrow German Govt. Failed. Imprisoned for 5 yrs, only served 6 months. Wrote Mein Kampf (“My Struggle”). Outlined Nazi philosophy, his views of Germany & World – Weakened by certain groups but mainly the Jews who are blamed for defeat in WWI. ACTIVITY: RISE OF TOTALITARIAN LEADERS IN EUROPE

13 - Hitler Becomes Chancellor: Hitler’s promises gradually won him large following. 1932 Nazi party became largest group in Reichtag (lower house of German Parliament). Suspended freedom of speech & press. Storm troopers (Brownshirts) waged violence against those who opposed Hitler. Germany Rearms: Nazi’s secretly spent money on rearming and expanding armed forces in violation of the Treaty of Versailles. Hird unemployed workers to build massive public buildings & highway networks. Unemployment fell to zero. Germany Expands: Annexed Austria. Invaded Czechoslovakia. Neville Chamberlain, British Prime Minister, met with Hitler to resolve issue. Issued policy of appeasement – Giving in to competitor’s demands in order to keep the peace. ACTIVITY: RISE OF TOTALITARIAN LEADERS IN EUROPE

14 - Watch video. Grading based on participation. VIDEO: BRAIN-POP – WORLD WAR II

15 - 1. Receive Worksheet. 2. Answer worksheet front & back. 3. Due by end of class. TAKING SIDES & LEADERSHIP LOCKDOWN Closure: (On Notebook) What are your thoughts during this time period? Why do you think so?

16 POST-LESSON ANNOUNCEMENTS : EXTRA CREDIT & HOMEWORK 1. Receive TEN (10) Extra Credit points if you bring in ONE (1) unopened box of Tissue Paper. Only ONE (1) Per Quarter Per Student. Must be Unopened & Unused. Homework: Poster Projects: Periods 1, 3, 7 – Due by Friday. Periods 2, 6, 8 – Due by Monday.


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