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Bell Ringer #1 W.C. - Pg. 434 Lenin; Pg. 437 Causes and effects of Two Russian Revolutions, 1917 (draw chart); Pg. 438 Communism (3 facts and draw chart)

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer #1 W.C. - Pg. 434 Lenin; Pg. 437 Causes and effects of Two Russian Revolutions, 1917 (draw chart); Pg. 438 Communism (3 facts and draw chart)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer #1 W.C. - Pg. 434 Lenin; Pg. 437 Causes and effects of Two Russian Revolutions, 1917 (draw chart); Pg. 438 Communism (3 facts and draw chart) #2 1. How did World War I help to bring about the Russian Revolution? 2. What groups made up the Red Army and Whit Army? 3. Why did the Bolsheviks rename their party the Communist Party? Essential Questions #3 Revolutions in Russia (Section Summary) Instruction – “I Do” #4 Concept Map/Notes Guided Practice – “We Do” #5 1). proletariat 5). Provisional government 2). Bolsheviks 6). Soviet 3). Lenin 7). Communist Party 4). Rasputin 8). Joseph Stalin Independent Practice “You Do” Cycle of Instruction Ch. 14 Sec. 1 #6 Revolutions in Russia (Section Summary) Closure Review/Reteach Lesson #7 Teacher answers Essential Questions

2 Bell Ringer #1 W.C. - Pg. 441 Totalitarianism (3 facts and draw chart); Pg. 443 Joseph Stalin; Pg. 445 Ukrainian Kulaks #2 1. What are the key traits of a totalitarian state? 2. What are some key ways totalitarian rulers keep their rule? 3. How did the Soviet economy change under Stalin? Essential Questions #3 Totalitarianism (Section Summary) Instruction – “I Do” #4 Concept Map/Notes Guided Practice – “We Do”#5 1). Totalitarianism 5). Collective farm 2). Great Purge 3). Command economy 4). Five-Year Plan Independent Practice “You Do” Cycle of Instruction Ch. 14 Sec. 2 #6 Totalitarianism (Section Summary) Closure Review/Reteach Lesson #7 Teacher answers Essential Questions

3 Bell Ringer #1 W.C. - Pg. 468-469 Labor- Saving devices in the United States #2 1. Why were the ideas of Einstein & Freud revolutionary? 2. How did literature in the 1920’s reflect the uncertainty of the period? 3. What impact did the increased use of the automobile have on average people? Essential Questions #3 Postwar Uncertainty (Section Summary) Instruction – “I Do” #4 Concept Map/Notes Guided Practice – “We Do”#5 1). Albert Einstein 5). Friedrich Nietzche 2). Theory of Relativity 6). surrealism 3). Sigmund Freud 7). jazz 4). Existentialism 8). Charles Lindbergh Independent Practice “You Do” Cycle of Instruction Ch. 15 Sec. 1 #6 Postwar Uncertainty (Section Summary) Closure Review/Reteach Lesson #7 Teacher answers Essential Questions

4 Bell Ringer #1 W.C. - Pg. 472 Investing in Stocks; Pg. 473 Life in the Depression #2 1. What effect did the Dawes Plan have on the economy of Germany after World War I? 2. Which U.S. President was elected during the Great Depression? 3. What was one part of Roosevelt’s New Deal program to fight the Depression? 4. What effect did the Great Depression have on the world? 5. What event marked the beginning of the Great Depression? Essential Questions #3 A Worldwide Depression (Section Summary) Instruction – “I Do” #4 Concept Map/Notes Guided Practice – “We Do” #5 1). Coalition government 5). New Deal 2). Weimar Republic 3). Great Depression 4). Franklin D. Roosevelt Independent Practice “You Do” Cycle of Instruction Ch. 15 Sec. 2 #6 A Worldwide Depression (Section Summary) Closure Review/Reteach Lesson #7 Teacher answers Essential Questions

5 Bell Ringer #1 W.C. - Pg. 477 Fascism (3 facts and draw chart); Pg. 478 Benito Mussolini; Pg. 478 Adolf Hitler; Pg. 480 Fascism in Argentina #2 1. What was the country the leader “Il Duce” from? 2. How did the Treaty of Versailles affect postwar Germany? 3. What is the title of Hitler’s book Mein Kampf translated to in English? 4. What was Hitler’s main method for achieving lebensraum during the 1930s? Essential Questions #3 Fascism Rises in Europe (Section Summary) Instruction – “I Do” #4 Concept Map/Notes Guided Practice – “We Do” #5 1). fascism 5). Mein Kampf 2). Benito Mussolini 6). lebensraum 3). Adolf Hitler 4). Nazism Independent Practice “You Do” Cycle of Instruction Ch. 15 Sec. 3 #6 Fascism Rises in Europe (Section Summary) Closure Review/Reteach Lesson #7 Teacher answers Essential Questions

6 Bell Ringer #1 W.C. - Pg. 482 Aggression in Europe, Asia, & Africa, 1931 – 1939 (Draw Chart) #2 1. Who was the leader of the Third Reich? 2. Which of Great Britain’s policies towards Germany was based on the belief that the satisfaction of reasonable demands would maintain peace in Europe? 3. What did Neville Chamberlain boast about at the Munich Conference? 4. What effect did the nonaggression pact between the Nazis and the Soviets have on the balance of power in Europe? 5. What term was used to identify the alliance of Germany, Italy, and Japan? Essential Questions #3 Aggressors Invade Nations (Section Summary) Instruction – “I Do” #4 Concept Map/Notes Guided Practice – “We Do”#5 1). appeasement 5). Third Reich 2). Axis Powers 6). Munich Conference 3). Francisco Franco 4). isolationism Independent Practice “You Do” Cycle of Instruction Ch. 15 Sec. 4 #6 Aggressors Invade Nations (Section Summary) Closure Review/Reteach Lesson #7 Teacher answers Essential Questions

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