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 The economy was really bad and U.S.S.R. had beliefs of dictatorship controlled by Joseph Stalin with fascism and power.

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Presentation on theme: " The economy was really bad and U.S.S.R. had beliefs of dictatorship controlled by Joseph Stalin with fascism and power."— Presentation transcript:


2  The economy was really bad and U.S.S.R. had beliefs of dictatorship controlled by Joseph Stalin with fascism and power.

3  After U.S.S.R. surrendered to Germany they gained poverty and eventually Lenin made the Russian Revolution. After Lenin had died Joseph Stalin came to power and raised communism.

4  What led to the collapse of the U.S.S.R. is that the people grew tired of being told what to do so they began protesting for their independence. That is how their government collapsed.

5  Roosevelt and Churchill supported Joseph Stalin (who was the leader of the U.S.S.R.) he wanted to spread communism across the Europe.

6  They saw the opportunity when their county was at an all time low. Also with the economic condition of their country is was the perfect chance to arise as dictator.

7  They would kill anyone who helped his rise, his fear of someone succeeding him got the best of him and he killed anyone who was in the same level or control as him. Even his friends he would kill if he felt that hey were getting to close. He was brutal.

8  NO, the U.S has to much power and the military of the U.S is to strong to get taken over by another country or person. We are also to smart to get taken over. The U.S is a strong place.

9 Joseph Stalin was the leader for the U.S.S.R. He was in power for 25 years. He came from a poor family. He was born in the year 1878. He was arrested 8 times and sent to Siberia and he escaped 8 times. He loved to hunt and fish. He had two sons and one daughter which was Yakov, Vasily, and Svetlana. His son dies died by committing suicide by running into a electric fence His son served in the Red Army during World War 2. Joseph Stalin died March 5, 1953. He died after suffering from a brain hemorrhage.

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