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Brand awareness and brand loyalty of shampoos and bodywash products.

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Presentation on theme: "Brand awareness and brand loyalty of shampoos and bodywash products."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brand awareness and brand loyalty of shampoos and bodywash products

2 购买洗发水和沐浴露时会注重品牌吗?

3 最常用哪个品牌的洗发水? 1.Pantene 28% 2.Rejoice 22% 3.Head&Shoulders12%

4 最常用哪个品牌的沐浴露? 1.Safeguard 23% 2.Johnson&Johnson22% 3.Dove 13%

5 为什么会选择该品牌的洗发水或沐浴露?

6 在使用完一瓶该产品之后,会转而购买其 他品牌的吗?

7 3.Which brand of the body wash product do you usually use?

8 Top three Brands of Shampoo Used by Us By Tina

9 The Conclusion Though 1/5 of the investigators has chosen the last choice——“others”, non of the quantity is larger than 12. We can make the conclusion that the top three brands are: 1 、 Pantene (潘婷)、 2 、 Rejoice (飘柔)、 3 、 Head and Shoulder (海飞丝)

10 In Fact

11 The expert for hair nursing Provide different solution for consumers to nurse their hair. Has the image of healthy and beauty. ALL IN ALL, Pantene has its unique function and unique product design for consumers. Pantene (潘婷)

12 IN ADDITION, Pantene has lots of series of products to meet different consumers’ need. For example: 潘婷乳液修复系列(有效修护干枯受损,帮助预防分叉) 潘婷乳液修复去屑系列(去屑同时修护受损头发,帮助预防 分叉) 潘婷丝质顺滑系列(提升脆弱毛躁秀发至丝般顺滑) 潘婷丝质顺滑去屑系列(去屑同时提升毛躁秀发至丝般顺滑) 潘婷莹彩修护系列(修护染后秀发受损,锁住亮丽莹彩) 潘婷强韧防掉发系列(强韧 + 发根到发梢,显著减少掉发) 潘婷垂顺直发系列(显著增加秀发垂直度) 潘婷弹性卷发系列(令平塌额卷发充满弹性,更有层次) 潘婷乌黑莹亮系列(提升枯黄灰暗的秀发至乌黑莹亮)

13 ALSO, Pantene has lots of forms of products, including hair nursing products and hair styling products. Pantene not only has Shampoo, but also has hair conditioner (护发素)、 hair mask (发膜)、 hair curd (护发凝乳)、 mist spray (精华喷雾)、 essence (精华乳)、 gel water (啫喱水)、 gel paste (啫喱膏)、 mousse (摩丝)、 hair makeup water (发妆水). This product diversification help Pentene to have a large sum of loyal consumers. They don’t need to turn to other bands.

14 Rejoice (飘柔) Show the consumers the life attitude of confidence and grace Various series :精华护理系列; Eva 汉草 精华系列;家庭护理系列 Various Products : Shampoo 、 conditioning hairdressing (焗油膏)、 hair mask (发膜) Various Functions :焗油、滋养、去屑

15 Recently, Rejoice has changed its packaging. This can be more attractive to the consumers. Packaging is one of the method to express product differentiation.

16 Head and shoulder concentrate on the dandruff remover shampoo. The shampoo really work. It’s effective. Series: 丝源复活系列、深层洁净型、 清爽去油型、怡神冰凉型、 海洋活力型、丝质柔滑型、 轻柔呵护型、强根护发型、 植物净粹型、乌黑强韧型 Head and Shoulder (海飞丝)

17 Safeguard is an antibacterial body wash product of P&G. It was introduced in China in 1992. So what methods does it employ to differentiate itself from others?

18 Special product design (/Product in the 4Ps): 1.Special function It has effective function of anti bacterium. It can help to clear up bacterium to avoid skin infection. And that function is testified and acknowledged by groups of medical experts of the world and Chinese Medical Association (CMA).

19 Special product design (/Product in the 4Ps): 2.Function choice It offers different series of body wash products according to their different functions.

20 3.It takes an active part in offering public service and charitable donations.  Cooperated with the Ministry of Education of China, Safeguard has teaches lessons about health to pupils in 25 provinces in China in 10 years.  During the period of fighting SARS in 2003,Safeguard donated medical appliances to Ministry of Health of China and made public- interest ad with CCTV to encourage the whole nation to fight against SARS.  In 2006,worked together with the Red Cross, Safeguard made public-interest ad to inform the public the correct ways to wash hand so as to prevent spreading of flu.

21 4.Branding: Being one of the brands of P&G P&G is one of the largest companies of consumer goods, of which products can get in touch with consumers in more than 160 countries and regions in the world.

22 Products differentiation Product Johnson and Johnson products are basically in three main categories: Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices & Diagnostics, and Consumer Health care.

23 Products differentiation Price J&J offer the public with low-cost price and considerably affordable products. This doesn’t only make their product known to the majority of the public, but also the choice of many buyers.

24 Products differentiation Place Johnson and Johnson products can be found at the following retail outlets: Target, Walgreens, WalMart.

25 Products differentiation Promotion. Johnson &Johnson has run a “Beauty for All Ages” rebate promotion Johnson & Johnson is involved with many causes and advertising campaigns that encourage healthy lifestyles.


27 Unique product design Both Dove and Lux have a wide range of body wash. They distinguish in functions.

28 Dove Lux Calming Night Beauty Moisture Firming Moisture Lux Magical Spell Lux Secret Bliss Lux Tropical Sunset

29 Unique Branding Unilever has established high reputation. A lot of consumers come to Unilever for its good brand image. Unilever popularizes its specific products by conveying specific meaning of the item, like discovering the beauty of women.

30 For real beauty The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty is launched in 2004. The principle: to celebrate the natural physical variation embodied by all women and inspire them to have the confidence to be comfortable with themselves. In 2006, Dove started the Dove Self- Esteem Fund: to educate and inspire girls on a wider definition of beauty

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