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Review: Mobilization  U.S. Mobilization for World War II was more drastic than World War I and had more permanent consequences as it brought us out of.

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2 Review: Mobilization  U.S. Mobilization for World War II was more drastic than World War I and had more permanent consequences as it brought us out of the Depression.  Explain the truth in this fact  How and why did this happen so soon after World War I?


4 For your question…  Brainstorm a response  Identify keywords  Review relevant sections of the text  Examine multiple sources (each person reads at least 2 sources)  Document research (bibliography)  Formulate a response with references  Create a 5-8 minute presentation in response to your question.  Develop a useful handout with facts and analysis

5 1922-1933

6 1932-1939


8 How did President Roosevelt both prepare for war and heed Congress’s caution? Terms: Johnson Act, Isolationism, Neutrality Acts, 1934-1941

9 1937-1945



12 Deliverables: Bibliography Copy of handout for class Handout posted in Common Folder Presentation

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