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Post-dated Pregnancy & Induction Of Labor
Post-term Pregnancy (Syn:Post-dated Pregnancy or Post maturity Prolonged pregnancy)
A pregnancy that has reached or surpassed 42 weeks ( 294 days ) of gestation from the first day of the last menstrual period. ( ACOG,WHO,FIGO) Incidence- Range 4-19%,Average incidence-10%
Aetiology Wrong dates- The most common cause of prolonged pregnancy, due to inaccurate LMP Hereditary- postdatism seems to run in families, showing a genetic predisposition H/o previous prolonged pregnancy- recurrence 50%
Abnormal fetal HPA and adrenal hypoplasia as in
anencephaly deficiency of dehydro-epiandrosterone reduced fetal cortisol response. Placental Salphatase deficiency- this enzyme play a critical role in synthesis of placental estrogens which are necessary for the expression of oxytocin & PG receptors in myometrial cells
Changes associated with prolonged pregnancy
A series of changes occur in -amniotic fluid -placenta and - fetus Amniotic Fluid Changes In Postdated Pregnancy quantitative &qalitative changes occur in Amniotic fluid
Quantitative Amniotic Fluid Changes
Amniotic fluid peak 38wks ml 40wks ml 42wks ml 43wks ml 44wks ml After 42wks there is 33% decrease in amniotic fluid volume/wk A decrease in fetal renal blood flow is associated with postdatism is the cause of oligohydromnios Amniotic fluid less than 400ml is associated with fetal complications
Method to evaluate amniotic fluid volume
Most popular method to evaluate amniotic fluid volume is four quadrant technique to calculate Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI). AFI is obtained by measuring the vertical diameter of largest pocket of amniotic fluid in 4 quadrants of uterus by USG and the sum of the result is AFI AFI <5cm – oligohydromnios 5 – 10cm – decreased amniotic fluid volume 10 – 15cm – Normal 16 – 20cm – Increased amniotic fluid volume >25cm - Polyhydromnios
Qualitative Changes in Amniotic fluid
AF become milky and cloudy because of presence of abundant flakes of vernix caseosa. The Phospholipids composition changes due to presence of large number of lamellar bodies released from fetal lungs. Vernix raises the lecithin, Sphingomyelin ratio to 4: 1 & more The liquor may be meconium stained as a result of intrauterine hypoxia
Placental Changes USG findings:
-Indentation in chorionic plate become more marked, giving the appearance of cotyledons - Increased confluency of the comma- like densities that become the inter cotyledonary septations - Appearance of hemorrhagic infarct & Calcification
Fetal Changes The fetus grow in utero after term - macrosomic which lead to fetopelvic disproportion , Prolong labor Shoulder dystosia After term the fetus loses Vernix caseosa causing wrinkling of the skin due to direct contact with aqueous amniotic fluid Growth of hair and nails Wasting of subcutaneous tissue
Diagnosis of Postdated Pregnancy
The diagnostic accuracy of post term pregnancy hinges on the reliability of gestational age We can get accurate EDD by:- - LMP when >3 normal regular period before LMP & no ocp - EDD calculated by LMP coincide with EDD from USG perform between 12-20wks - When LMP not known EDD established from USG between 7-11wks - EDD corresponds to 36wks since the patient had +ve upt - A reliable P/V finding for GA age in 1st trimester
Management Prior to deciding any line of action it is important to establish the diagnosis of post term gestation by history , examination and USG. Fetal Surveillance by – NST - AFI - Biophysical Profile - Doppler ( Facilities available)
Patient with Prolonged Pregnancy (>40wks) who need to be delivered :
* Women with medical or obstetrical complications of pregnancy * Favorable Cervix Bishop Score > 8 * Women with oligohydromnios * Estimated fetal weight > 4.5kg * Suspected fetal compromise * Fetal congenital anomaly * Hyper mature Placenta
Expectant management of prolonged pregnancy is justified only when:
- GA <41 wks with unripe cervix, normal AFI , normal size baby , normal BPP and reactive NST There is universal agreement that once pregnancy reaches 42wks delivery mandatory – Induction/ CS -If there is signs of fetal distress ,wt. is > 4.5kg.or obstetrical complicated pregnancy- CS
Complication of Postdated pregnancy
Maternal – Increased morbidity due to increased Instrumental & operative delivery Fetal - Intrapartum fetal distress - MAS - Fetal trauma due to macrosomia - Increased Perinatal morbidity & mortality
Induction Initiation or stimulation of uterine contractions before the spontaneous onset of labour with or without ruptured membranes Augmentation – refers to stimulation of uterine contractions that are already present but found to be inadequate.
Indications Obstetrical indication Post term pregnancy
Severe pre eclampsia/ eclampsia PROM Ruptured membrane with chorioamniotis Intrauterine death Fetal growth restriction Nonreassuring fetal testing
Chronic nephritis/ renal disease Chronic Hypertension Diabetes
Rh iso-immunization Malformed fetus Abruptio Planctae Severe hydramnios Medical indication Chronic nephritis/ renal disease Chronic Hypertension Diabetes
Contraindication Fetal macrosomia Multifetal gestation Malpresentation
Prior classical caesarean Contracted pelvis Major degree placenta previa Active genital herpes infection Cervical cancer
PREREQUISITES Prior to initiation of induction the following should be assessed indication for induction/any contraindications gestational age cervical favourability (Bishop score assessment) assessment of pelvis and fetal size/presentation membrane status (intact or ruptured) fetal well being/fetal heart rate monitoring prior to labour Induction documentation of discussion with the patient including indication for induction and disclosure of risk factors
Cervical ripening is a component of induction of labor employed when the cervix is unfavorable in order to facilitate dilatation when labor is established.
Bishop’s Score (Modified)
Parameters Score Cervix 1 2 3 Dilatation (Cm) Closed 1-2 3-4 5+ Effacement(%) Or Cervical Length (Cm) 0-30 >4 40-50 or 2-4 60-70 ≥ 80 <1 Consistency Firm Medium Soft - Position Posterior Midline Anterior Head Station - 3 - 2 - 1, 0 +1, +2
Total Score – 13 Unfavorable Score – 0-5 Favorable Score Bishop score >8 is a good index of inducibility
Methods of cervical ripening
Pharmacological methods Oxytocin Prostaglandins -E2(dinoprostone,prepidil,cervidil) -E1(misoprost) Steroid receptor antagonists -Mifepristone (RU486) -Onapristone Relaxin
Mechanical methods Membrane stripping Amniotomy Mechanical dilators Transcervical balloon catheters With extraamniotic saline infusion With concomitant oxytocin administration
Methods of Induction of labor
Medical – Prostaglandins (PGE2, PGE1) - Oxytocin - Mifepristone Surgical Artificial rupture of membranes - Stripping the membranes Combined - Medical + Surgical
Prostaglandin E2 Gel preparation with 0.5mg in 2.5ml in a prefilled syringe for intracervical administration (prepidil/ dinoprostone With the woman in dorsal the tip of a prefilled syringe is placed intracervically and the gel is deposited just below the internal cervical os.The woman should remain reclined for at least 30 minutes. Dose repeated every 6 hours with a maximum of 3 doses Subsequent augmentation with oxytocin if needed to be started after 6 hours Side effects- uterine tachysystole Contraindication- asthma, glaucoma , liver disease
Prostaglandin E1 Used as 25µg per vaginally every 4 hours or 50µg per orally every 3-6 hours Sublingual and buccal routes associated with rapid onset action and more bioavalibility Maximum dose of 200µg given Synto augmentation if required to be started after 6 hours Side effects- uterine tachysystole, fetal distress, uterine rupture Contraindicated in patients with previous uterine scar, liver disease and renal disease synto
Oxytocin Polypeptide hormone produced in hypothalamus, secreted from posterior pituitary Synthetic analogue of used as uterotonic and for induction Myometrial sensitivity increases with gestational age, with rapid increase during labour Effective means of induction in women with ripe cervix Because of short half life (3-4min) used as iv infusion. Plasma levels falls rapidly when iv infusion stopped. Oxytocin infusion is commenced at the rate of miu/min and gradually dose increment at 15-30min
2. 5 IU Oxytocin in 500ml RL(concentration- 5mIU/ml) 8 drops- 2
2.5 IU Oxytocin in 500ml RL(concentration- 5mIU/ml) 8 drops- 2.5mIU/ml 16 drops- 5mIU/ml 24 drops- 7.5mIU/ml 32 drops- 10 mIU/ml 40 drops- 12.5mIU/ml 48 drops- 15 mIU/ml 56 drops mIU/ml 60 drops- 20 mIU/ml
Complications Uterine overactivity Water intoxication Hypotension
Uterine rupture Neonatal jaundice
Mifepristone Progestrone receptor antagonist
Blocks both progestrone and glucocorticoid receptors 200mg vaginally daily for 2days has been found to ripen the cervix and to induce labour
Membrane stripping Digital separation of chorioamniotic membrane from wall of cervix and lower uterine segment Results in local release of endogenous prostaglandins Vertex should be well applied to cervix and os should be dilated to allow examining finger Complications- membrane rupture, haemorrhage from disruption of occult placenta praevia, chorioamnionitis
Transcervical Foley’s catheter
placed through cervical os inflated with 30-50cc saline Downward tension that is created by taping the catheter to the thigh can lead to cervical ripening The catheter is left in place until it spontaneously falls out or upto 24 hours Intracervical foley’s catheter can be combined with oxytocin or vaginal misoprostol or they can be started hours after insertion. Preferred in woman where prostaglandins are contraindicated. Cotraindication-low lying placenta,APH, rupture of membrane, cervicitis
Factors that increase success of labour induction
Favourable cervix Multiparity Bodymass index<30 Birthweight<3500gm
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