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Fahrenheit 451: Vocabulary. Part One: The Hearth and the Salamander.

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Presentation on theme: "Fahrenheit 451: Vocabulary. Part One: The Hearth and the Salamander."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fahrenheit 451: Vocabulary

2 Part One: The Hearth and the Salamander

3 fahrenheit

4 thermometer scale

5 salamander

6 mythological reptile able to live in fire

7 Phoenix

8 mythological bird which arose from ashes

9 dimensions

10 measurement in length, width, and height

11 parlor

12 “living room”

13 pedestrian

14 walker

15 subconscious

16 occurring with little or no awareness

17 refracted

18 bend back to the source, as light rays

19 marionette

20 puppet moved by strings

21 mausoleum

22 large tomb

23 tallow

24 animal fat used for candles

25 melancholy

26 sadness or depression

27 olfactory

28 of the sense of smell

29 trajectory

30 path of something moving

31 antisocial

32 acting against the welfare of the people; going against norms or mores (definition for the book)

33 objectivity

34 done without prejudice

35 Tower of Babel

36 “origin” of world’s various languages

37 abyss

38 bottomless gulf

39 ravenous

40 greedily hungry

41 centrifuge

42 spinning machine which separates particles

43 praying mantis

44 insect which paralyzes its prey

45 mass

46 large in quantity and number

47 philosophies

48 study of the processes and relationships of thought and the universe

49 controversy

50 topic in which there is a disagreement

51 titillation

52 pleasurable excitement

53 Part Two: The Sieve and the Sand

54 subside

55 to sink or retreat

56 monologue

57 long speech by one person

58 dentrifice

59 tooth cleanser

60 submission

61 resigning to obedience

62 romantic

63 idealistic; one who is full of thoughts and feelings rather than practicality

64 receptacle

65 container

66 intuitive

67 knowing something without reasoning

68 infinite

69 endless

70 skepticism

71 a questioning attitude

72 mortal

73 facing eventual death

74 insidious

75 more dangerous than meets the eye

76 contemptible

77 deserving scorn

78 Cheshire Cat

79 fictitious cat with a broad grin

80 simultaneously

81 occurring at the same time

82 Caesarian

83 method for delivering a baby

84 anticipated

85 foreseen

86 certitude

87 certainty or sureness

88 invigorated

89 enlivened or made lively

90 manifested

91 made apparent to the senses

92 parried

93 fought off

94 chaos

95 confusion and disorder

96 verbiage

97 too many words (wording)

98 oracle

99 person of knowledge consulted as a medium

100 rebut

101 disagree

102 tyranny

103 cruel and unjust use of power

104 Part Three: Burning Bright

105 valise

106 suitcase

107 incomprehensible

108 cannot be understood

109 perpetual

110 lasting without interruption

111 incredible

112 cannot be believed

113 vacuum

114 empty space

115 manikin

116 model of the human body

117 blanche

118 turn white or pale

119 anaesthetized

120 total or partial loss of sense of touch? Or,made to forget troubles or pain?

121 penance

122 suffering to show sorrow

123 obscure

124 indistinct or vague

125 122 flailing

126 threshing or beating

127 sear

128 burn surfaces

129 warily

130 done with caution

131 scapegoat

132 person or thing who takes blame for others

133 insomnia

134 inability to sleep

135 incriminate

136 accuse of a crime

137 pedants

138 narrow-minded teachers

139 convolutions

140 folds

141 sloth

142 tree-dwelling South American mammal (laziness)

143 scythe

144 long, curved, single- edged blade

145 disintegrate

146 break up into parts

147 metropolis

148 large city

149 oblivion

150 complete destruction

151 concussion

152 violent shaking

153 pyre

154 funeral fire




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