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Unit 2 Part 4 Reading pre- flight duties. Study Aims knowledge : Learn related specialized vocabularies and practical expressions learn about knowledge.

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1 Unit 2 Part 4 Reading pre- flight duties

2 Study Aims knowledge : Learn related specialized vocabularies and practical expressions learn about knowledge about Pre- flight duties abilities: ability to master specialized vocabularies and practical expressions got the related knowledge about Pre-flight duties Affection : Obtain the sense of being a Cabin Attendant

3 Importants and Difficulties Import ants : 1 master specialized vocabularies and practical expressions 2 got the related knowledge about Pre-flight duties Difficulties : master specialized vocabularies and practical expressions got the related knowledge about Pre-flight duties

4 Step 1:Lead-in

5 What are the cabin attendants doing?

6 Step 1:Lead-in What do you know to do for cabin attendants before flying? What is emergency demonstration kit?

7 Step 2 Presentation 1 New words and expressions : Routine 例行公事 日常的 例行 的 Go over 仔细检查 改变立场 Sign in (使)签到 登记 Log 飞行日志 Chart 图表

8 1 New words and expressions : Take action 采取行动 Extinguisher 灭火器 Oxygen 氧气 Megaphone 扩音器 Life vests 救生衣 Life rafts 救生筏 Galley 飞机上的厨房 Stowaway 偷乘者 Cockpit 飞机座舱 Demonstration 示范 演示 Ramp 飞机的活动旋梯

9 2 extensive reading read the article quickly within 5mins, then do exercises Ⅰ on P19 of the textbook: Requirements: 1 get the main idea of this article 2 try to conclude your own points about it

10 2 extensive reading 1 get the main idea of this article Suggested answers: all the duties of cabin attendants before the flight take off 2 try to conclude your own points Suggested answers: From this passage, From this passage, to be a cabin attendant is not a job for anyone needs routine. Before flying the cabin attendants have a lot to do.

11 3 intensive reading read every paragraph respectively with 3mins,and answer the questions as follows: Para 1: What should the flight attendants do before being on board? What’s the first thing for them?

12 3 intensive reading Para 2: What kind of people should be noted during the flying? What is the content about purser’s log? Para 3 What are the safety procedures after briefing meeting?

13 3 intensive reading Para 4 What is emergency demonstration kit? Is it used during the flying? Para5 Is the boarding music played over the plane’s loudspeaker system during the flying?

14 3 intensive reading Para 6 What does “the cabin is secure” mean? Do the stewardesses stand all the time as the flight takes off?

15 Step 3: Practice 1 exercises 1. What should the cabin attendants do after the pre- flight briefing meeting? 2. _______, the stewardesses give the life jacket and oxygen mason when it id required

16 3. What do the passengers have to sit in their assigned seats for takeoff ? 4 Which of the following statements is not true? 5 Which two points must cabin attendants note? 6 If the passengers are not seated in the correct pattern, spread evenly through the cabin, flight service crew notifies ______ at once.

17 Keys: 1. pilots cabin crew 2. Co-pilot cabin crew 3. Purser 4. Occupants safety 5. Serving refreshments selling duty-free goods 6. Friendly enthusiastic courteous 7. Lofty goals passion professionalism hard-working attitude 8. The safety equipment clean and tidy on board

18 2 Oral Practice Please state What we have learnt from this article in your own words. Notes: just main ideas and give key sentences.

19 Evaluation itemscriteriascore valuescore faithfulnesslanguage10 expressiven ess Appropriateness accuracy 20 elegance fine Word answers 20 otherInnovation; others10 TotalN/A100 Process-evaluation: 50% mid-class Final evaluation 50% practice

20 Summary Make a summary about language focus, new words and expressions in the specific situation. related knowledge about Pre- Flight duties

21 Homework After class, just do: 上人人听力网学习语音语调第 7 , 8 课 h/Pronunciation/103178/ h/Pronunciation/103178/

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