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Tony, Yen-Huei Tarn, M.S., Ph.D. President, TaSPOR Introduction of Taiwan Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (TaSPOR) ISPOR 2ND ASIA-PACIFIC.

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Presentation on theme: "Tony, Yen-Huei Tarn, M.S., Ph.D. President, TaSPOR Introduction of Taiwan Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (TaSPOR) ISPOR 2ND ASIA-PACIFIC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tony, Yen-Huei Tarn, M.S., Ph.D. President, TaSPOR Introduction of Taiwan Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (TaSPOR) ISPOR 2ND ASIA-PACIFIC CONFERENCE Shanghai Worldfield Convention Hotel Shanghai, China 5-7 March 2006

2 Taipei 101 Building, 40 second to the top

3 About TaSPOR A non-profit organization in Taiwan, established on 18th Jan. 2003. Established with goals to ensure pharmacoeconomics and outcomes research are conducted adequately in Taiwan and medical resources are fairly and efficiently distributed. Became ISPOR Taiwan Chapter on 27th Jan. 2005. Current President: Dr. Tony, Yen-Huei Tarn (Director General, Department of Pharmacy, Taipei City Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan )

4 Missions of TaSPOR To provide an arena for academic activities on Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research. To facilitate communications among academia, phar. industry and government, and to advocate the importance and value of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research. As an intellectual tank on public issues regarding Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research. To host domestic and international conferences on Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research to encourage the growth in the field. To provide job seeking opportunities for researchers in Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research.

5 Organization of TaSPOR President Secretary General Secretary Board of Directors 19 persons Academic Affairs Committee Publications Committee Public Relation Committee Education Promotion Committee Full time: one person Others: part time

6 Main Tasks of Committees Academic Affairs Committee  To plan and conduct research activities and conferences  To edit the specialized teaching material Publications Committee  To issue publications and newsletters  To maintain and analyze member information  To construct and maintain TaSPOR web site

7 Main Tasks of Committees Public Relation Committee  To expand domestic and international communications  To solicit financial supports  To recruit and enhance relationships among members Education Promotion Committee  To promote C/E analysis of health care services  To plan and execute education activities to members and general publics

8 Finance of TaSPOR Fee for first enter: US $16 for individual members, US$160 for group members and US$8 for student members Annual membership fee: US$32 for individual members, US$320 for group members, US$16 for student members and US$320 for permanent individual membership fee Research grant Donations: Pharmaceutical industry Training courses: Pharmaco-Economics Workshop Other revenues: Supports from Department of Health for annual meeting

9 Annual Budget (2005) Amount (US$) Personnel Expense2,344 Office Expense313 Operating Expense7,969 Projects Management Expense25,000 Total Amount 35,626

10 Annual Budget (2006) Amount (US$) Personnel Expense2,406 Office Expense594 Operating Expense8,996 Projects Management Expense12,500 Total Amount 24,496

11 Members from : At creation (persons; % ) 2004 (persons; % ) 2005 (persons; % ) Academia 17 ; 26 20 ; 1321 ; 10 Physician 7 ; 10 14 ; 917 ; 8 Pharmacist 6 ; 927 ; 1840 ; 18 Government Officer 2 ; 3 4 ; 3 7 ; 3 Pharmaceutical Industry 24 ; 3661 ; 41 96 ; 44 CRO Company 6 ; 9 10 ; 712 ; 6 Student 4 ; 6 9 ; 617 ; 8 Others 0 3 ; 210 ; 4 Grand Total 66148220

12 TaSPOR Member Profile (Current, 2006 ) N= 220 (persons; %)

13 TaSPOR Member Profile (Current, 2006 ) N= 220 (persons; %)

14 Conferences and Events (2004) 5th Jan. 1.Board Meeting ( Ⅰ ) 2.Start translating the Economics Evaluation Professional Terms to Chinese 5th Feb. Conference : Outcomes Measurement-- Introduction and Practice of Quality of Life (QALY) 15th Apr. Board Meeting ( Ⅱ ) 17th May Conference : Outcomes Research-- Multivariate Modeling 21st Jul. Board Meeting ( Ⅲ ) 20th Oct. Conference : A Practical Look at Patient Reported Outcomes for Clinical Research 15th Nov. Board Meeting ( Ⅳ ) 16th Dec. Conference : 1.International Practices in Assessing Health Care Technologies 2.Principles of Priority Setting in the 2nd Generation of National Health Insurance in Taiwan

15 Conferences and Events (2005) 22st Jan.TASPOR 2004 Annual Meeting and Conference & Election of the Second Term of Board Members (83 persons) 24st Feb. Board Meeting ( Ⅰ ) 21st Mar. Board Meeting ( Ⅱ ) 15th Apr.1.Complete set up of TaSPOR Web Site 2.First issue of Newsletter: 2005, Spring 28st May1.Conference: Study Methodology of Pharmaco-Economics (51 persons) 2.Board Meeting ( Ⅲ ) and Dinner Conversation with Gordon Liu (ISPOR Asia Consortium Executive Committee Chair) 30st Jun.8 series of Pharmaco-Economics Workshop: PE Training Series for Drug Company (32 persons) 8th Jul.Publication Newsletter: 2005, Summer Issue 19th Jul.Visiting Minister of Health to Discuss the Issues of HTA and Pharmaco-Economics Guideline 21st Sep.Board Meeting (IV) 10st Dec.1.Forum on “Purchasing the Greatest Healthy Value”: Inviting People from Government, Scholar, and Industry (34 persons) 2.Conference: Overview of the Commonest Problems Encountered in Economic Evaluation of Experience from Australia (50 persons)

16 Works Done in 2005 Complete the translation of Economics Evaluation Professional Terms to Chinese – put on website Translated 2004 French Guidelines for the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Technologies to Chinese Research Project: the construction of a PE model for the strategy development of the pharmaceutical industry in Taiwan -- an analysis of ACEI and CCB for the antihypertensive management

17 ISPOR 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference 3 oral presentations 13 posters Medline search for publications from Taiwan using keywords: pharmacoeconomic or cost

18 New Goals in 2006  Guidelines for Methodological Standards of Economic Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals  Guidelines for Submission of Dossier for the Drug Pricing and Reimbursement  Guidelines for Conducting Budget Impact Analysis  Guidelines for Preparation of Economic Evaluation Report  Guidelines for Evaluation of PE Reports  Guidelines for Evaluation of PE Literatures Draft

19 Conference ( 16th Dec. 2004 ) Lieven Annemans

20 Dinner Conversation with Gordon Liu ( 28th May 2005 ) Gordon Liu

21 Visiting Minister of Department of Health ( 19th Jul. 2005 )

22 Forum on Purchasing the Greatest Healthy Value ( 21th Jul. 2005 )

23 Conference ( 10st Dec. 2005 ) Shu-Chuen Li

24 Contact TaSPOR Office Address: TaSPOR, No.145 Zhengzhou Rd., Datong District, Taipei City 10341, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: 886-2-2552-3234 ext. 3081 Fax: 886-2-2559-8643 Email: Tony Tarn at


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