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Insulin Bolus Chart Calculator ©Francisco García Vacas - 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Insulin Bolus Chart Calculator ©Francisco García Vacas - 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Insulin Bolus Chart Calculator ©Francisco García Vacas - 2011

2 In basal-bolus therapy bolus dose of insulin is dependent on: ► Measured Blood Sugar ► Carbs to intake ► Goal Blood Sugar ► Sensibility to insulin ► Sensibility to carbs ► Other factors They always change when you apply a bolus

3 Expression to calculate the bolus dose ► I – Amount of Insulin to inject. Units of insulin UI ► BS M – Measured Blood Sugar. mg/dL ► BS G – Goal Blood Sugar. mg/dL ► F I – Blood sugar covered by 1 unit of insulin. mg/dL/UI ► H – Amount of carbs to take. gr ► F H – Carbs covered by 1 unit of insulin. gr/UI

4 Bolus Chart Calculator ► It's a simple piece of paper (10x 6.5 cm) ► Customized according to sensitivities to insulin and carbohydrates ► Simply draw a line, although it is more convenient to use a transparent sheet with a line ► Stored in the case of the glucometer ► If sensitivity changes through the day, you have several charts ► No batteries, always it works ► A child could use it

5 Description ► Rupert is diabetic ► His Goal Blood Sugar BS G is between 60 and 140 mg/dL ► His mean Goal Blood Sugar is 100 mg/dL ► One unit of insulin drops the Blood Sugar 67 mg/dL. F I =67 ► He can take 11 gr Carbs per 1 unit of insulin. F H =11

6 Example 1 ► Rupert wants to take 60 gr of Carbs ► His Blood Sugar is 180 mg/dL ► Draw the line ► Bolus dose of insulin is 6.6 Units ► Rupert injects 6 or 7 Units of insulin

7 Example 2 ► Rupert wants to take 60 gr of Carbs ► His Blood Sugar is 140 mg/dL ► 140 mg/dL in his goal. Then it pass to 100 mg/dL ► Draw the line ► The calculated dose is 5.5 Units of insulin ► Rupert injects 5 or 6 units of insulin

8 Example 3 ► Rupert feels bad, he thinks that his Blood Sugar is low ► His Measured Blood Sugar is BS M es 50 mg/dL. ► For Lows no insulin ► Draw the line ► Rupert takes more than 8 gr of carbohydrates

9 How you can get it CUT Fill the red fields Print

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