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OT Order Tracker. Index  Principal Principal  Customer Customer  City City  State State  Zone Zone  Template Template  Charge Charge  Create Order.

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Presentation on theme: "OT Order Tracker. Index  Principal Principal  Customer Customer  City City  State State  Zone Zone  Template Template  Charge Charge  Create Order."— Presentation transcript:

1 OT Order Tracker

2 Index  Principal Principal  Customer Customer  City City  State State  Zone Zone  Template Template  Charge Charge  Create Order Create Order  Order Details Order Details  Phase Phase  Order Status Order Status  Phase Wise Search Phase Wise Search  Close Order Search Close Order Search

3 Follow the steps below. Step 1: Click on Master -> Principal. Open the Principal Information Screen. Step 2: Write the ‘Name, Address, City, Country, Contact Name, Contact Designation, Pin Code, Fax, Phone1, Phone2, E-mail Address’. Step 3: Click on SAVE button, Message is display ‘Supplier added successfully’, Click on OK button. Principal Information is thus Saved. Step 4: Click on CLOSE button to close the Principal Information Screen. Principal Create New Principal Information

4 Customer Follow the steps below. Step 1: Click on Master -> Customer. Open the Customer Information Screen. Step 2: Write the ‘Name, Address’. Step 3: Select the ‘City’. If you want to add New City & State then Click onClick on City(+) Sign. Step 4: Write the ‘Pin Code, Fax, Phone1, Phone2, E-Mail’. Step 5: Select or Write the ‘Category’. Step 6: Select the ‘Zone’. If you want to add New Zone then Click on Zone(+)Click on Zone(+) Sign. Step 7: Click on SAVE button, Message is display ‘Customer Saved successfully’, Click on OK button, thus Customer Information is Saved. Step 8: Click on CLOSE button to close the Customer Information Screen. Create New Customer Information

5 Follow the steps below. Step 1: Click on Master -> City. Open the City Information Screen. Step 2: Write the ‘City Name’. Step 3: Select the ‘State Name’. If you want to add New State then Click on StateClick on State Name(+) Sign’. Step 4: Click on SAVE button. Hence City Information is Saved. Step 5: Click on CLOSE button to close the CityClick on CLOSE button Information Screen. City Create New City Information

6 Follow the steps below. Step 1: Click on Master -> State. Open the State Information Screen. Step 2: Write the ‘State Name’. Step 3: Click on SAVE button to add the new State Information. Step 4: Click on CLOSE button to close the StateClick on CLOSE button Information Screen. State Create New State Information

7 Zone Create New Zone Information Follow the steps below. Step 1: Click on Master -> Zone. Open the Zone Information Screen. Step 2: Write the ‘Zone ID, Zone Name’. Step 3: Click on SAVE button. Zone Information is thus Saved. Step 4: Click on CLOSE button to close the ZoneClick on CLOSE button Information Screen.

8 Template Follow the steps below. Step 1: Click on Master -> Template. Open the CreationTemplate Screen. Step 2: First Select the Phase. Step 3: Click on BROWSE(---) button, Select the file. Step 4: Click on SAVE button, Message is display ‘Template Saved Successfully’, Click on OK button, thus Template is Saved on Selected Phase. Step 5: Click on CLOSE button to close the Creation Template Screen. Create New Template

9 Follow the steps below. Step 1: Click on Master -> ChargeMST. Open the Charge Information Screen. Step 2: Write the ‘Charge Name’. Step 3: Select the ‘Charge Action’, Charge Action (+) : Add the Charge in Total value. Charge Action (-) : Subtract the Charge in Total value. Step 4: Click on SAVE button. Hence Charge Information is Saved. Step 5: Click on CLOSE button to close the Charge Information Screen. Create New Charge Information Charge

10 Create Order Follow the steps below. Step 1: Click on Order -> Create Order or Click on Create Order. Open the Create Order Screen. Step 2: Change the Our ‘File No.’ & Select the ‘File Creation Date’. Step 3: Write the Customer ‘Order No.’, Write or Select the ‘Order Type’ & Select the ‘Order Date’. Step 4: Select the ‘Principal’, Write the Principal ‘Quotation No.’ & Select the ‘Quotation Date’. If you want to add New Principal then Click onClick on Principal(+) Sign. Step 5: Select the ‘Customer Name’ & Change the ‘Address’. If you want to add New Customer then Click onClick on Customer Name(+) Sign. Step 6: Write the Our ‘Quotation No.’ & Select the ‘Quotation Date’. Step 7: Click on ORDER DETAILS button. Open the ‘Order Details’ Screen. Fill & Save theOpen the ‘Order Details’ Screen. Information in Order Details Screen & Close the Order Details Screen. Step 8: Click on SAVE button, Message is display ‘Order Saved Successfully’, Click on OK button, thus Order is Saved & Order Details Screen is Close. Create New Order

11 Order Details Follow the steps below. Step 1: Click on Order -> Create Order or Click on Create Order. Open the Create Order Screen. Fill the Information in Create Order screen. Step 2: Click on ‘Order Details’ button. Open the Order Details Screen. Step 3: Write the ‘Part No., Part Name, Quantity, Price, Units’. Step 4: Write the ‘Payment Terms, ICA Payment Terms, Remark’. Step 5: Select the different Charges & Write the Corresponding amount in Column. Step 6: Select ‘Currency & INCO Terms’. Step 7; Write the ‘ICA Commission’. Step 8: Click on SAVE button, Message is display ‘Order Details Saved Successfully’, Click on OK button. Order Details is thus Saved. Step 9: Click on CLOSE button to close the OrderClick on CLOSE button Details Screen. Create New Order Details

12 Phase Follow the steps below. Step 1: Double Click on Selected Order. Open the Phase Details Screen. Step 2: Right Click on the Selected Phase and Click on Add or Double Click on Phase for which you want to Add Details. Step 3: Click on SAVE button. Hence Selected Phase is Saved. Step 4: Click on CANCEL button, Not Save the Phase Information. Step 5: To Modify the Previous Details. 1. Select the Phase for which to Modify, 2. Select the Phase Details from Previous Communication, 3. Right Click on Selected Phase & Click on Modify, Make the Changes & Click on Save button to Save the Phase Details. Step 6: Click on CLOSE button to close the Phase Details Screen. Create New Phase

13 Order Status Follow the steps below. Step 1: To Modify or Delete the Order Select the Order, Right click on selected Order -> Modify Order or Delete Order. Step 2: To see the different Reports (Condition Sheet or Commission Working Sheet or Order Principal Summery or Order Sheet) of Order. Select the Order, Right click on selected Order -> & choose any 1 Report. Step 3: To create New Notes. Select the Order, Right click on selected Order -> Add Notes. Open the Notes Screen. Step 4: Write the Note. Step 5: Click on SAVE button, thus Note is Saved & Screen is Close. Step 6: Click on CANCEL button, Note Screen is Close. Step 7: To create New Document. Select the Order, Right click on selected Order -> Add Document or Click on Attach Scanned Copies. Open the File Dialog box. Step 8: Select the file & Click on OPEN button. Attach the Document for Order. Step 9: To see the Order Status Report, click on PRINT button. Step 10: Click on HISTORY button, See the Phases for Selected Order. Step 11: Click on NOTES button, See the Notes for Selected Order. Step 12: Click on DOCUMENTS button, See the Attach File for Selected Order. Use of Main Screen

14 Phase Wise Search Follow the steps below. Step 1: Click on Queries -> Phase Wise Order Search or Click on Search -> Phase Wise Order Search. Open the Phase Wise Search Screen. Step 2: Select Phase Name, To display the Order for Waiting Stage of Phase. Step 3: Click on PREVIEW, To display the Report for Waiting Stage of Phase Order. Step 4: Click on CLOSE button to close the Phase Wise Search Screen. Search the Order Phase Wise

15 Close Order Search Follow the steps below. Step 1: Click on Queries -> Order Closed or Click on Search -> Order Closed. Open the Order Closed Screen. Step 2: Date wise Search the Closed Order, To Select the ‘From Date & To Date’. Step 3: Customer & Principal wise Search the Closed Order, To select the ‘Customer Name & Principal’. Step 4: There fore ‘2’ types of Report. 1. Summery :- Order Summery is display. 2. Details :- Whole Order Information is display. Select any 1 option given above & Click on PREVIEW button, To display the Report of above mention type. Step 5: To see the Orderwise Phase Details Report, Select the Order, Right Click on Selected Order -> Order Detail Status Report. Step 6: Click on CLOSE button to close the Order Closed Screen. Search the Closed Order

16 Customer Search Follow the steps below. Step 1: Click on Queries -> Customer Search or Click on Search -> Customer Search. Open the Search Customer Screen. Step 2: Customer can be searched by selecting State, City, Category. Step 3: To search by Customer Write the ‘Customer ID’ or Click on ‘Customer Search’ button & Select the Customer. Step 4: While clicking on Reset All Search Criteria button We can reset all search criteria's given before. Step 5: To Modify the Customer Select the Customer, Right click on selected customer -> Modify Customer. Search the Customer

17 Principal Search Follow the steps below. Step 1: Click on Queries -> Principal Search or Click on Search -> Principal Search. Open the Search Principal Screen. Step 2: See the all Principals. To modify the Principal Select the Principal, Right click on Selected Principal -> Modify Principal. Search the Principal

18 Order Value Commission Follow the steps below. Step 1: Click on Queries -> Order Value Commission or Click on Search -> Order Value Commission. Open the Order Value Commission Search Screen. Step 2: Customer & Principal wise search the Order Value Commission, to select the ‘Customer Name & Principal Name’. Step 3: First Check the Date Wise Search. Date wise search the Order Value Commission, to select the ‘From Date & To Date’. Step 4: Click on Preview button, to display the Report for Order Value & Commission. Step 5: To see the Order Wise Phase Details, Select the Order, Right click on Selected Order -> Orderwise Phase Details. Step 6: Click on Close button to close the Order Value Commission screen. Search the Order Value Commission

19 Order Registered Follow the steps below. Step 1: Click on Queries -> Order Registered or Click on Search -> Order Registered. Open the Order Registered Search Screen. Step 2: Customer & Principal wise search the Order Registered, to select the ‘Customer Name & Principal Name’. Step 3: First Check the Date Wise Search. Date wise search the Order Registered, to select the ‘From Date & To Date’. Step 4: Click on Preview button, to display the Report for Order Registered. Step 5: To see the Order Wise Phase Details, Select the Order, Right click on Selected Order -> Order Wise Phase Details. Step 6: Click on Close button to close the Order Registered screen. Search the Order Registered

20 Order Search Follow the steps below. Step 1: Click on Queries -> Order Search or Click on Search -> Order Search. Open the Order Search Screen. Step 2: Order Type, Zone, Customer & Principal wise search the Order, to select the ‘Order Type, Zone, Customer Name & Principal Name’. Step 3: There fore 3 Options for Report Search Criteria. 1. Customer Wise :- Only see the Customer Name wise Order. 2. Principal Wise :- Only see the Principal Name wise Order. 3. Both :- See the both (Customer & Principal) wise Order. Step 4: First Check the Date Wise Search. Date wise search the Order, to select the ‘From Date & To Date’. Step 5: There fore 3 Options for Order Status. 1. Close :- Only see the Close Order. 2. Open :- Only see the Open Order. 3. Both :- See the both (Open & Close) Order. Select any 1 option given above & Click on PREVIEW button, To display the Report of above mention type. Step 6: To see the Orderwise Phase Details Report, Select the Order, Right Click on Selected Order -> Orderwise Phase Details. Step 7: Click on CLOSE button to close the Order Closed Screen. Search the Order

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