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School Census Autumn 2015 Prior Attainment Demonstration Version 1.0.

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Presentation on theme: "School Census Autumn 2015 Prior Attainment Demonstration Version 1.0."— Presentation transcript:

1 School Census Autumn 2015 Prior Attainment Demonstration Version 1.0

2 Additions to DfE Specification 1.Maths GCSE highest prior attainment 2.Maths GCSE prior attainment year group 3.Maths GCSE funding exemption 4.English GCSE highest prior attainment 5.English GCSE prior attainment year group 6.English GCSE funding exemption All grades, not just pass grades

3 Additions to DfE Specification 1.Maths GCSE highest prior attainment 2.Maths GCSE prior attainment year group 3.Maths GCSE funding exemption 4.English GCSE highest prior attainment 5.English GCSE prior attainment year group 6.English GCSE funding exemption Achieved by end of year 11 Achieved since year 11 Not achieved

4 Additions to DfE Specification 1.Maths GCSE highest prior attainment 2.Maths GCSE prior attainment year group 3.Maths GCSE funding exemption 4.English GCSE highest prior attainment 5.English GCSE prior attainment year group 6.English GCSE funding exemption Learning disability Overseas equivalent UK equivalent No exemption

5 New menu route for schools with Secondary age pupils

6 Information can be entered directly, but in most situations this would be very time consuming

7 Where the Exams application is in use the Populate from Exams button can save an awful lot of time


9 When calculating highest grade the results stored in each of the three areas of the Exams application will be taken into account 1.EDI 2.Non EDI (Edit PI Data) 3.External Results (Manual Entry)

10 When calculating prior attainment we can only take full account of EDI and non EDI, as external results are unlikely to have a date where the YTI is available, i.e. external results are likely to have a date before the pupil was on roll at the school When calculating highest grade the results stored in each of the three areas of the Exams application will be taken into account 1.EDI 2.Non EDI (Edit PI Data) 3.External Results (Manual Entry)

11 When calculating prior attainment we can only take full account of EDI and non EDI, as external results are unlikely to have a date where the YTI is available, i.e. external results are likely to have a date before the pupil was on roll at the school Funding Exemption is not calculated, as it requires information not stored in SIMS When calculating highest grade the results stored in each of the three areas of the Exams application will be taken into account 1.EDI 2.Non EDI (Edit PI Data) 3.External Results (Manual Entry)

12 Missing information can be added manually using the lookups provided.














26 You can save at any point


28 The information we have added manually will not be overwritten when Populate from Exams is clicked again, unless the information has been added to the Exams application in-between.

29 As expected, the information we have manually added for Hannah has not been removed by using Populate from Exams

30 We can also add information for a pupil where Populate from Exams has only provided some of the information for that pupils




34 You can save at any point





39 Where the information was not previously calculated from information stored for the Exams application it is unlikely to be overwritten by clicking Populate from Exams, but the last example above was a change to the information collected by the Exams application, so clicking on Populate for Exams will mean an overwrite

40 As expected, the information manually entered for Megan’s Maths Prior Attainment has been overwritten by information calculated from information stored by the Exams the application.

41 You can click in the heading to sort by that row. This is very useful for finding missing information



44 As Populate from Exams will only overwrite existing information when it needs to, we need a different method to go back to “factory settings”. The Reset button provides this facility. After Reset is pressed the screen display will go back to what it was when the application was used for the first time. This is not as dangerous as it sounds, as the change only becomes permanent when Save has also been clicked.




48 Thank you for your time

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