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Presentation on theme: "FRESHMEN CLASS MEETING ATHENS HIGH SCHOOL September 6, 2013."— Presentation transcript:


2 Dr. Dixon Welcome What Counts…

3 ACT Scores 2013 –Good job Class of 2014! EnglishMathReadingSci. Mean N% of class Athens22.824.122.923.123.336698.5% State 19.119.920.020.219.9120,451 How much do you want to achieve this year? Ranked by Newsweek as the 522 Best High School in the Nation! 6 th Most Challenging High School in the State of Michigan 98 students received state, national awards and international awards 59 % of students took AP classes 3 teams and 18 individual athletes competed at the State Championship level Raised over $41,000 for Angels of Hope Charity 98 % of 2013 Graduates went to college; 7 honorably serve in the military

4 So, What Counts? You All of Us & Our Individual & Collective Success

5 The Importance of focus: What we expect…How to Succeed….


7 A – G Ms. Goss H – N Mr. Dowd O – Z Mr. Turner AHS Assistant Principals

8 A – E Mr. Adams F – K Mr. McMillan L – R Mrs. Breen S – Z Mr. Rinnan AHS Counseling Assignments & Peer Mediation Ms. Manfredi – Peer Mediation Advisor

9 Our Safe-Ed Staff Safe Ed Director– Mr. Brandimore Your well being is our number one concern.

10 ATHENS CAFETERIA LOCKDOWN DRILLS  Cafeteria Lockdown Locations  Cafeteria Escape Routes

11 SCHOOL SHOOTINGS  The chances of any particular K-12 school in the United States experiencing a shooting incident in any given year is approximately 1 in 53,925. The chances of a school shooting taking place in a US high school in any given year: 1 in 21,000. The chances of a school shooting taking place in a US elementary or middle school in any given year: 1 in 141,463.

12  Also keep in mind, your chances of dying in a car crash in 2013 is approximately 1 in 7775, which is about the same as your chances of dying due to any type of gun violence in the next year.

13 Emergency Response  Preparation is Key! Code drills Know School Protocol Review exit strategies  Personal Visualization Planning Action

14 School Sponsored Training  Lock Down Drills  Fire Drills  Tornado Drills  Evacuation Drills  Take Advantage

15 Visualization  Don’t be Surprised!  Expect the unexpected  Visualize  In class  During passing  Before and After school

16 Action  Take the proper course of Action  What is the “Proper” course of Action?  Depends on your training  Depends on your planning  Depends on your specific situation  Depends on your commitment to survive

17 Personal Readiness Strategy  Take ownership of your survival  At Work  At Home  In General

18 Concealment v. Cover

19 Silhouette

20 Lockdown and Hide  Run, Hide, Fight  Run is rarely an option for a Teacher with kids  Locking down and Hiding is Priority #1  Out of sight = Out of mind  Fight

21 Police Response  The first responding officers secure the immediate area, assess the danger, and form an entry team  Determine where the threat is and move swiftly toward the gunfire  Officers find the suspect and terminate the threat

22 When Law Enforcement arrives  How should I react when Law Enforcement arrives?:  Remain calm, and follow officers’ instructions  Immediately raise hands and spread fingers.  Keep hands in sight at all times  Avoid making quick movements towards officers such as attempting to hold on for safety

23 Your Safety is most important!  At the end of this meeting, we will have a practice cafeteria drill.  Let us know if you have questions.  We are here to help you!

24 Agenda  Freshman Focus  Code of Conduct  Attendance  Dress Code  All Else

25  Find your way around the building  Adjust to increased academic responsibilities  Get involved! - Clubs/Sports Homecoming Dance – October 11 Freshmen Focus

26 Have A Great Start - It Makes A More Enjoyable Finish  Keep a calendar of what is due when  Get a study buddy & attend after school tutoring Room 1208 N Monday-Thursday  Get to every class on time (early is even better)  Give 100% effort & HAVE A GREAT attitude Freshmen Success Seminars are Sept. 12 th Freshmen Focus

27 Code of Conduct Update  The Code of Conduct is available on the Athens webpage.  Read through the Code of Conduct - Be aware of your rights and responsibilities!

28 Attendance Policy  Attendance at school is important:  We want you here!  Think of school as your job.  5 absences in a class (ex/unex) will result in a teacher contact home.  7 absences – visit to the AP office  9 absences – attendance review meeting.  Beyond 9 – all unexcused (no credit for work missed)

29  Hats/Sunglasses  Bare midriff  Skirts/shorts – Fingertip length  Yoga pants/stretch pants must be covered!  Tank tops – 3 finger rule  Pants – Worn at the waist!  Inappropriate slogans  Hoodies  Cell Phones Dress Code Reminders

30  Planners – Available in AP Office for $5  MEAP Test – October 16 Good Luck !  Lunch Behavior –  Please Keep Your School Clean  Return the Plastic Trays  Service dog -- Magic  Lunch Security Drill! All Else

31 Wishing you a fabulous year! Be your best everyday – Make It Count



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