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Suffixes: Surgical, Diagnostic, Symptomatic, and Related

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Presentation on theme: "Suffixes: Surgical, Diagnostic, Symptomatic, and Related"— Presentation transcript:

1 Suffixes: Surgical, Diagnostic, Symptomatic, and Related
Medical Terminology Suffixes: Surgical, Diagnostic, Symptomatic, and Related

2 Where terms come from? Greek or Latin Word Word Root Meaning
Nephros (Gr) Nephr Kidney Oris (L) Or Mouth Renes (L) Ren Dermatos (Gr) Derm Skin

3 Combining vowels Word Root Vowel Combining Form Meaning Gastr O
stomach Hepat Hepat/o Liver Immun Immun/o Immune, safe Oste Oste/o bone

4 Suffixes Denoting Incisions
-centesis puncture arthrocentesis -ectomy excision, removal appendectomy -stomy forming an opening (mouth) colostomy -tome instrument to cut osteotome -tomy incision, cut into phlebotomy

5 Suffixes Denoting Reconstructive Surgeries
-desis binding, fixation (of a bone, joint) arthrodesis -pexy suspension, fixation (of an organ) mastopexy -rrhaphy suture myorrhaphy -plasty surgical repair rhinoplasty

6 Suffixes Denoting Refractururing, Loosening, or Crushing
-clasis break, fracture osteoclasis -lysis separation, destruction, loosening enterolysis -tripsy crushing lithotripsy

7 Diagnostic, Symptomatic, and Related Suffixes
-algia pain cephalalgia -dynia pain gastrodynia -cele hernia, swelling hepatocele -ectasis dilation, expansion bronchiectasis

8 -emesis vomiting hyperemesis
-emia blood condition leukemia -gen or -genesis forming, producing, origin carcinogen or osteogenesis -gram record, a writing cardiogram -graph instrument cardiograph -graphy process of recording cardiography

9 -iasis abnormal condition cholelithiasis
-itis inflammation gastritis -lith stone, calculus cholelith -logist specialist in the study of dermatologist -logy study of psychology

10 -malacia softening osteomalacia
-megaly enlargement hepatomegaly -meter instrument for recording thermometer -metry act of measuring pelvimetry -oid resembling lipoid

11 -oma tumor adenoma -osis abnormal condition, increase dermatosis -para to bear (also a prefix) multipara -paresis partial paralysis hemaparesis -pathy disease neuropathy

12 -penia decrease, deficiency leukopenia
-phagia eating, swallowing dysphagia -phasia speech aphasia -philia attraction to hemophilia -phobia fear claustrophobia

13 -plasia formation, growth hyperplasia
-plegia paralysis, stroke hemiplegia -poiesis formation, production hemopoiesis -ptosis prolapse hysteroptosis -rrhage or -rrhagia bursting forth hemorrhage or menorrhagia

14 -rrhea discharge, flow diarrhea
-rrhexis rupture angiorrhexis -scope instrument to view gastroscope -scopy visual examination gastroscopy -spasm involuntary contraction blepharospasm

15 -stasis standing still hemostasis
-stenosis narrowing, stricture arteriostenosis -toxic poison thyrotoxic -trophy development, nourishment atrophy

16 End

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