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Prof. Tony Proctor 1 Chapter 8 Synectics  State the problem  Take keyword from statement and use an analogy (take an EXCURSION)  Personal analogy 

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Presentation on theme: "Prof. Tony Proctor 1 Chapter 8 Synectics  State the problem  Take keyword from statement and use an analogy (take an EXCURSION)  Personal analogy "— Presentation transcript:

1 Prof. Tony Proctor 1 Chapter 8 Synectics  State the problem  Take keyword from statement and use an analogy (take an EXCURSION)  Personal analogy  Direct analogy  Symbolic analogy  Fantasy analogy  Look for ways of solving problems posed in the analogy situation  Take the ideas generated and examine how they can be related back to the original problem

2 Prof. Tony Proctor 2 PERSONAL ANALOGY  Describe the object by listing its basic characteristics  Describe the emotions the object might have in a given situation  Describe how someone feels when using the object  Describe what it feels like to be the given object

3 Prof. Tony Proctor 3 Personal analogy - glass of wine  Characteristics  clear,fruity  Emotions  happy at dinner  friendly at parties  Feeling when using  sophisticated  tired  Object's feelings  wanted, important

4 Prof. Tony Proctor 4 DIRECT ANALOGY  Make comparisons with analogous facts, information or technology.  Attributes of atoms and molecules provide interesting analogies for studying the management of information.  The idea is to describe a clear, straightforward relationship between the problem and some object, thing or idea.

5 Prof. Tony Proctor 5 Direct analogy: paths across marshes and decision making  Decision-making can be likened to finding one’s way across paths over a marsh.  What are seemingly paths across the marshes often lead you the wrong way.  Unfamiliar and potentially hazardous options need careful analysis when making decisions in order to ensure that good choices are made.

6 Prof. Tony Proctor 6 SYMBOLIC ANALOGY  Make use of objective and personal images to describe a problem.  Examples are like an Indian rope trick, like a thief in the night, like a pirate.  Seeking insights on how to deal with the problem.

7 Prof. Tony Proctor 7 Symbolic analogy: the scarlet pimpernel Getting hold of the boss is like finding the scarlet pimpernel. "We seek her here, we seek her there, we seek her everywhere!"

8 Prof. Tony Proctor 8 FANTASY ANALOGY  How do we in our wildest fantasy want..... (the problem to be solved)  Example: major surgery. How do we IOWF want the removal of a tumour to be carried out? Answer: without leaving any marks on the patient's skin.  This might lead to the use of two or more laser beams intersecting at a malignant tumour and destroying it.

9 Prof. Tony Proctor 9 Fantasy analogy: peaceful management  How do we IOWF want to manage the office?  So that peace reigns all the time?  Solution:use style of management based on conflict avoidance.

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