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Academic Reading Literacy Slide # 1 Student Diversity in Academic Writing (SDAW) ADAPTED FROM Essential Academic Reading Literacy: For Post-graduate Students.

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Presentation on theme: "Academic Reading Literacy Slide # 1 Student Diversity in Academic Writing (SDAW) ADAPTED FROM Essential Academic Reading Literacy: For Post-graduate Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic Reading Literacy Slide # 1 Student Diversity in Academic Writing (SDAW) ADAPTED FROM Essential Academic Reading Literacy: For Post-graduate Students in Business and Management Studies Prof. Lucas D. Introna Dr Niall Hayes Lancaster University

2 Academic Reading Literacy Slide # 2 Student Diversity in Academic Writing (SDAW) WHY READ? to discover the extent of the existing body of work on a topic; to learn in detail about some of these works; to act as a catalyst for ideas (as a thinking springboard); to encounter different styles of academic writing so that you can decide how you would like to write yourself; to follow up interesting things you have heard about ; …………….. ………………

3 Academic Reading Literacy Slide # 3 Student Diversity in Academic Writing (SDAW) Why is reading literacy important? Reading for a degree Reading and research Becoming a scholar within a discipline Managing your time

4 Academic Reading Literacy Slide # 4 Student Diversity in Academic Writing (SDAW) Appreciating different reading sources Academic sources –Peer review and legitimacy The Professional press –Peer review and legitimacy Internet documents – Judging the legitimacy

5 Academic Reading Literacy Slide # 5 Student Diversity in Academic Writing (SDAW) Academic sources General teaching textbooks Edited academic volumes Specialist academic books Academic journal articles / papers Academic conference proceedings

6 Academic Reading Literacy Slide # 6 Student Diversity in Academic Writing (SDAW) Peer-review & academic publishing The academic journal publication process –Research project (results) –Writing of paper –Submit to academic journal –Reviewers Two or three expert peer reviewers Editors (main and associate) –Reject or revise based on evaluation and comments –Resubmit for further review (2 – 3 times) –Accept or reject –Published

7 Academic Reading Literacy Slide # 7 Student Diversity in Academic Writing (SDAW) The professional press Reviewed by editors Practitioner discussion / issues

8 Academic Reading Literacy Slide # 8 Student Diversity in Academic Writing (SDAW) Internet documents Google / Google Scholar Yahoo Judging the status of Internet documents

9 Academic Reading Literacy Slide # 9 Student Diversity in Academic Writing (SDAW) Subject / discipline specific reading Reading leads to one becoming more expert in a particular domain. Subjects often have different perspectives and vocabularies. Subjects have differences in terms of the legitimacy of sources, e.g conferences over journal articles, books over journals.

10 Academic Reading Literacy Slide # 10 Student Diversity in Academic Writing (SDAW) Different ways of reading

11 Academic Reading Literacy Slide # 11 Student Diversity in Academic Writing (SDAW) Different ways of reading

12 Academic Reading Literacy Slide # 12 Student Diversity in Academic Writing (SDAW) Different ways of reading Intensive

13 Academic Reading Literacy Slide # 13 Student Diversity in Academic Writing (SDAW) Different ways of reading ExtensiveIntensive

14 Academic Reading Literacy Slide # 14 Student Diversity in Academic Writing (SDAW) Different ways of reading ExtensiveIntensive NOT ALL LIKE THIS!

15 Academic Reading Literacy Slide # 15 Student Diversity in Academic Writing (SDAW) Reading Strategies Core sources (In-depth) Extended sources (Skim) Peripheral sources (Scan) All potential sources All academic reading has a focus and a purpose

16 Academic Reading Literacy Slide # 16 Student Diversity in Academic Writing (SDAW) Concluding comments Important to: –Identify and reflect upon existing experience –Practice those aspects of academic reading literacy that you are not familiar with –This is an ongoing process as you become more expert in a subject area. –Practice, practice, practice….

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