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June 21, 20002000 ASEE Annnual Conference A Technology Approach to Magnetic Levitation Steven Barker and Ron Matusiak Buffalo State College.

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Presentation on theme: "June 21, 20002000 ASEE Annnual Conference A Technology Approach to Magnetic Levitation Steven Barker and Ron Matusiak Buffalo State College."— Presentation transcript:

1 June 21, 20002000 ASEE Annnual Conference A Technology Approach to Magnetic Levitation Steven Barker and Ron Matusiak Buffalo State College

2 June 21, 20002000 ASEE Annnual Conference Presentation Outline Introduction to Buffalo & EET Program at BSC Why Maglev AGAIN? Maglev Summary in Pictures Critical Components Maglev Tuning - ET Approach Control Systems II Course - Centered around the Maglev project Other Diagrams of Possible Interest

3 June 21, 20002000 ASEE Annnual Conference Introduction to Buffalo, Local Industry, Education, Engineering Technology Buffalo Population: city ~0.3M, region ~1M Industry: automotive, chemical, food, aerospace, computer support, numerious small manufacturing Education: 4 CCs, 15 colleges, 4 universities, 2 commercial colleges Buffalo State College: Engineering Technology, Diversity, Control Systems Outstanding Lab Technician

4 June 21, 20002000 ASEE Annnual Conference Why Maglev AGAIN? Demonstration for control system courses Desire to share inexpensive design with others Project-centered Controls II course for EET Demonstration for college open house Demonstration for high school recruitment

5 June 21, 20002000 ASEE Annnual Conference Maglev Summary In Pictures Hardware-Overview Picture Close-Up Picture (Ball, IR LED & Detector) Control-Circuit Picture Control-Circuit Diagram Component-List Table

6 Portable Maglev System

7 June 21, 20002000 ASEE Annnual Conference Close-Up View

8 Control-Circuit Picture

9 Control-Circuit Diagram

10 Component-List Table

11 June 21, 20002000 ASEE Annnual Conference Critical Components Electromagnet Derivative gain Short leads 10k Hz sensor signal isolation Diode across the electromagnet

12 June 21, 20002000 ASEE Annnual Conference Maglev Tuning - ET Approach Sanity Check: voltage_D & air gap & current_I Derivative gain (K_D): turn off Proportional gain (K_P): Increase Until... K_D: Increase slowly (May also have to simultaneously trim K_P.) Air gap: about 1/2 cm Electromagnet current: about 300 ma. Did not overheat. Ambient light still has some effect.

13 June 21, 20002000 ASEE Annnual Conference Control Systems II Centered Around The Maglev Project Lectures on classical frequency responses - Bode Plots (3 weeks) Students build, test, and tune the maglev system (4 weeks) Students build MATLAB Simulink model of the maglev system (4 weeks) Lectures on frequency response stability (3 weeks) Review and traditional final exam on frequency responses (1 week).

14 June 21, 20002000 ASEE Annnual Conference Other Diagrams Of Possible Interest A Student's Simulink Model Measuring Magnetic Force vs I and Z Frequency Response of the Derivative Block Measuring the Air Gap Digital Control Various Electromagnets Possible Laboratory Experiments

15 Simulink Model

16 Measuring Magnetic Force vs Current and Air Gap

17 June 21, 20002000 ASEE Annnual Conference Measuring the Air Gap

18 Frequency Response of Derivative Block

19 Digital Control of Maglev System

20 June 21, 20002000 ASEE Annnual Conference

21 June 21, 20002000 ASEE Annnual Conference

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