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Kırşehir Guidance and Research Center (GaRC). What is GaRC? It is a governmental institution works under supervision of Ministry of National Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Kırşehir Guidance and Research Center (GaRC). What is GaRC? It is a governmental institution works under supervision of Ministry of National Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kırşehir Guidance and Research Center (GaRC)

2 What is GaRC? It is a governmental institution works under supervision of Ministry of National Education It is a governmental institution works under supervision of Ministry of National Education It provides coordination of guidance and counseling activities in schools, gives psychological counsel to individuals and also does the determination and direction of individuals who are in need of special education.

3 Departments of GaRC Guidance and Psychological Counselling Department Guidance and Psychological Counselling Department Special Education Department Special Education Department

4 Special Education Department - Responsible from educational “ determination ” and “direction” of individuals with special needs, - Supports principals, teachers and counsellors of schools, - Measures intellectual and developmental functioning of the students

5 Determination Process Determination process can be described simply as collecting information about the individual. To determine educational condition and educational needs of the individuals with special needs there are some items that can help us to decide: - Performance Determination Forms - Medical Condition Report - Standardized Tests

6 Standardized Testes - Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale - Leiter International Performance Scale - Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test - Goodenough-Harris Drawing Test etc.

7 Direction Process After determination process, we have to decide which educational precautions that fit best to educational level and educational needs of the handicapped individual must be taken. Main educational precautions cab be classified like: - Integrational Education - Vocational Education

8 Integrational Education Children with handicaps need to accommodate with society. By means of integrational education programme handicapped children can take education which is appropriate to their educational levels in mainstreaming education without separated from their peers.

9 Vocational Education - Vocational Schools - Training and Practicing Schools - Work Instruction Centers - Vocational Rehabilitation Services - Public Education Centers

10 Guidance and Psychological Counselling Department Responsible from; - Coordination of guidance and counselling activities that are held each educational institution of the city that are held each educational institution of the city - Educational and vocational guidance - Psychological counselling - Family guidance and education - Preparing brochures and documents - Seminary activities

11 Coordination Activities - Stating a main guidance framework that will be used at the schools through year at the schools through year - Evaluating guidance studies that have been held at the schools at the end of the year the schools at the end of the year - Preparing an annually report about studies to present to Ministry of Education

12 Educational and Vocational Guidance Try to help students; - to discover their interests, competences and vocational values - to learn about efficient and effective studying methods - to improve their motivation and success in the lectures - to choose appropriate educational program that is about their interests and competences their interests and competences - to inform students about vocations - to inform students about University and High-School entrance exams

13 Scales, Questionnaires and Tests Beside interview with student there are some instruments that can help to collect information about individual’s interests and competences: - Interests, Competences and Values Questionnaire - Basic Competences Test (6-8), (9-11) - Self Assessment Inventory - Academic Personality Concept Scale

14 Psychological Counselling - Dealing with Stress - Exam Anxiety - Communication Skills - Understanding Ownself and Feelings - Self-controlling and Self-discipline Skills

15 Family Guidance and Education - Informing families about childhood and adolescence characteristic and problems - Helping families about dealing with behavioral disorders of their children - Educating families about vocational guidance process

16 Preparing Brochures and Documents and Seminary activities - Choosing Vocation and Its Importance - Studying Skills and Exam Anxiety - Personality Development: Role and Importance of Family - Behavioral Disorders of Children - Parent’s Education Seminary Notes - Intervention to Crisis Situaions at Educational Environments

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