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Cambridgeshire’s SEN/D Guidance and Toolkit for Schools, Settings and Colleges of F.E.

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Presentation on theme: "Cambridgeshire’s SEN/D Guidance and Toolkit for Schools, Settings and Colleges of F.E."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cambridgeshire’s SEN/D Guidance and Toolkit for Schools, Settings and Colleges of F.E.

2 Aims of the Guidance & Toolkit  For schools and educational settings, including F.E. colleges  Not a repeat of the SEND Code of Practice  How we are delivering on the SEND CoP in Cambridgeshire + good practice  Those using the Guidance and Toolkit should be able to find: templates to be used; templates we recommend for use; thresholds; examples of best practice, e.g. top tips sheets and case studies; who to contact  Initially located on the schools’ portal. It will also be added to the Local Offer website  It will be regularly updated

3 Content of the SEN/D Guidance & Toolkit  Section 1: Engaging children, young people and their parents: Levels of engagement; what should parents and pupils expect at each stage of the SEN process; how to ensure that everyone is included  Section 2: Roles and responsibilities: school staff; parents; external agencies  Section 3: Universal, targeted and specialist support in schools and settings: high quality teaching for all cyp; targeted support for some cyp and personalised provision for a small number of children and young people

4  Section 4: Early concerns, Identification of SEND: Assess, Plan, Do, Review; high aspirations; reasonable adjustments; what do we mean by adequate progress  Section 5: Effective Management of SEN Support; a Graduated Response: 7 elements of the cycle of support  Section 6: Provision Mapping: creating a provision map; audit of provision; tracking pupil progress; evaluating effectiveness of interventions  Section 7: Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment and Plans: Pre-EHC Needs Assessment checklist; Criteria 1: Provision; Criteria 2: A co- ordinated approach; Criteria 3: Long term exceptional, severe and complex needs

5  Section 8: Early Years SEN: Good practice for the setting; good practice for practitioners, the needs of the learner; Guidance for funded 2’s  Section 9: Post 16 SEN and preparation for adulthood: Good practice; involving students in decision making; developing independence; preparing for the workplace  Section 10: Transitions: Principles; Good practice into reception; primary/secondary; secondary/post 16; transition audit  Section 11: Resolving Disagreements: purpose of mediation; good practice and principles  Appendices: Threshold tables; thresholds for services; School Information Report toolkit link; Local Offer link

6 What questions would you like the SEND Guidance to address? What else?

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