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Israel Palestine Conflict. History of the People The origins of how each group arrived in Palestine is complicated as much evidence is unknown. Biblical.

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Presentation on theme: "Israel Palestine Conflict. History of the People The origins of how each group arrived in Palestine is complicated as much evidence is unknown. Biblical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Israel Palestine Conflict

2 History of the People The origins of how each group arrived in Palestine is complicated as much evidence is unknown. Biblical story of Moses has Hebrews being enslaved to build the pyramids. So they are led by Moses to Palestine. 40 days, parting seas etc.

3 Factual? The really is no evidence to say any of the story is accurate. The pyramids were completed at least 1000 years before the biblical account. Conflicting evidence of the workers being slaves. Conflicting accounts of there being any large numbers of Hebrews in Egypt.

4 Settlements 925 BC Two groups of people that inhabited the land split apart. Two kingdoms were formed comprised of Kingdom of Israel and Judah. People from Judah called themselves “Jews”

5 Two Kingdoms

6 Conquests and Diaspora 722 – 586 BCE Assyrian empire conquers the Kingdom of Israel. Deports Israelites throughout empire. Lost forever, Judah Jews are the only ones left.

7 Conquests and Diaspora 586 - 536 BCE – Babylonian Empire conquers the Assyrians. Take over Judah, burns Jerusalem. Many Jews are dispersed throughout the empire. Some are allowed to stay.

8 536 – 142 BCE Persian Empire takes over. Allows Jews to return and rebuild Jerusalem Temple.

9 Roman Empire 63 BCE Rome takes over. Burns temple in Jerusalem. Jews revolt against it. Romans deport them as slaves throughout the empire. Many end up in Europe. Jesus time.

10 Roman Empire adopts Christianity throughout the whole empire. Build religious sites at Jerusalem, Bethleham.

11 Arab Rule 313 - 636 Byzantine rule. 636 – 1099 Arab rule. Most Jews leave under heavy taxation restrictions on religious freedoms. Dome of the Rock built

12 Crusaders 1099 – 1299 Christian Crusaders vow to take back their Holy Lands. non Christians are massacred, burned in temples. Saladin of the Arabs defeats the Crusaders

13 Arab Rule Saladin dies. 1291 – 1516 Mamluks rule 1517 – 1917 the Ottoman Empire takes over. Allows Jews to return.


15 World War 1 Britain and the Allies were at war with Germany, Austro Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire. Britain met with the Palestinians and convinced them to revolt against the Ottomans. Promised them a homeland (entire Israel)

16 Revolt was a success and the British took control over the Ottoman Empire.

17 Zionism Theodore Herzl World wide organization of Jews. Advocated for a Jewish homeland in Israel. 270000 in the US, 15000 in Canada.

18 Balfour Declaration At the same time as the promise to the Arabs the British also create the Balfour declaration. Promised the same land of Israel to the Zionists for a Jewish homeland.

19 U.N Partition Plan

20 1967 6 Days War: Before and After

21 UN Resolution 242 After the 6 days war, the U.N. denounced Israeli actions. States “territories acquired through war is illegal”. Calls for an independent Palestinian state comprised of the West Bank and Gaza. Free corridor connecting them. Despite acceptance, Israel does not withdraw.

22 1973 Yom Kippur War Arab nations were desperate to take back all the land they lost in the 6 days war. Oct 1973 – Egypt and Syria launch a surprise attack on Israel’s holy day of Yom Kippur. Also organized an oil embargo for Western nations which caused the price of gas to go up by 4 times. 2 weeks later U.S secured a cease fire.

23 U.N Resolution 232: 2 State Solution

24 Peace Processes Camp David Accords 1979 1979 Camp David Accords – Egypt and Israel sign a peace treaty which sees the return of the Sinai peninsula to Egypt. Israel can use Suez canal.

25 Settlements and Intifada For the next few decades Israel controlled the West Bank and Gaza. Many Israeli settlements, roads, security checkpoints created. Palestinians revolted in a series of “Intifadas” or protests. Israeli Army put them down with violence. 1000 Palestinian casualties.

26 Oslo Accords 1990’s Allowed for a Palestinian municipal government but not a state. Leader would be Yasser Arafat Demanded Israel would remove military from West Bank and Gaza. During negotiations Israel continues to build settlements. No formal agreement met.

27 Roadmap to Peace 2002 The UN, European Union, outline a plan for a two state solution. 1 st step, Palestine must make efforts to arrest those committing violence against Israel. 2 nd step Israel will remove settlements and prevent further settlement in the West Bank.

28 Issues for Peace Borders and division of the land; Palestinian concerns over Israeli settlements in the West Bank; Status of Jerusalem; Israeli security concerns over terrorism, safe borders, incitements, violence; Right of return of Palestinian refugees living in Palestinian refugee camps.(400,000)

29 Israeli Settlements

30 Palestinian Loss of Land 1946 - 2000

31 Today Israel continues to build settlements in the West Bank. Two sides have traded acts of violence. Israel has a blockade of Gaza ports and controls airspace. Palestinians have little access to water or electricity. Is constructing a wall around the West Bank.

32 The Wall

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