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English 10 Literature Lesson #15 Mr. Rinka The Intelopers Discussion Using Costa’s Three Levels of Thinking.

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Presentation on theme: "English 10 Literature Lesson #15 Mr. Rinka The Intelopers Discussion Using Costa’s Three Levels of Thinking."— Presentation transcript:

1 English 10 Literature Lesson #15 Mr. Rinka The Intelopers Discussion Using Costa’s Three Levels of Thinking

2 Arthur Costa’s Model of Intellectual Functioning in 3 Levels Level #1- Information Level #2 – Processing Level #3 - Application

3 Level #1 - Information Define Describe Identify List Name Observe Recite Scan

4 The Interlopers Quiz Who is the protagonist in the story? What is the dispute between the to men about? Who started this dispute?

5 The Interlopers Quiz Who is the protagonist in the story? Ulrich von Gradwitz What is the dispute between the to men about? Land Who started this dispute? The men’s grandfathers

6 The Interlopers Quiz Who owns the land legally? What is the time of day and year that serves as a setting in this story? What is an interloper?

7 The Interlopers Quiz Who owns the land legally? Ulrich von Gradwitz What is the time of day and year that serves as a setting in this story? A winter’s night What is an interloper? Someone or something that comes between two people.

8 The Interlopers Quiz Was this land valuable? What is the type of irony illustrated at the end of the story? Why did the men shoot when they first encountered one another?

9 The Interlopers Quiz Was this land valuable? No What is the type of irony illustrated at the end of the story? Situational Irony Why did the men shoot when they first encountered one another? A code that states cold blooded killing is dishonorable.

10 The Interlopers Quiz What is the mood of the story? What is the tone of the story? What was Georg doing on the land?

11 The Interlopers Quiz What is the mood of the story? Dark and dangerous What is the tone of the story? Objective What was Georg doing on the land? Hunting, poaching

12 Level 1 Quiz nd=2051604715

13 Level #2 - Processing Analyze Compare Contrast Group Infer Sequence Synthesize

14 Sequence the Story’s Chain of Events Showing Cause and Effect The von Gradwitz and Znaeym families have a dispute over land. A court determines the land is von Gradwitz’s. The Znaeyms feel this is an injustice.

15 Sequence the Story’s Chain of Events Showing Cause and Effect The Znaeyms continue to hunt (poach) on the land. A feud develops between both families. The feud continues through generations.

16 Sequence the Story’s Chain of Events Showing Cause and Effect Ulrich von Gradwitz is raised to hate the Znaeyms. Ulrich actively seeks to catch and kill Georg while he is poaching. Both men are in the woods on a winter’s night.

17 Sequence the Story’s Chain of Events Showing Cause and Effect Coming face to face with one another, nature intervenes and traps them both. Now trapped together Ulrich softens his feelings for Georg. An offering of wine leads to a discussion of the feud and ends with friendship.

18 Sequence the Story’s Chain of Events Showing Cause and Effect Together, both men call for help. The calls attract a pack of wolves. Both men die from the wolf attack.

19 Analyze the setting and mood with Saki’s Word Usage. - one winter night - patrolled the dark forest - wind-scourged winter night - the dark forest - during a storm-wind - there was a disturbing element in the forest - amid the wild tangle of undergrowth

20 Analyze the setting and mood with Saki’s Word Usage. - listening through the whistling and skirling of the wind and the restless beating of the branches - on this wild night, in this dark, lone spot - Nature's own violence overwhelmed them both - A fierce shriek of the storm

21 Analyze the Irony of the Following Statement: The two raised their voices in a prolonged hunting call. The irony here is that their calls would not be heard by the men, but they could be picked up by a pack of wolves who followed the sound to their prey, the two men.

22 Analyze the Irony of the Following Statement: The two raised their voices in a prolonged hunting call. Also, these two men who wished the other dead for so many years will now die together as friends. In fact, their friendship brings about their deaths.

23 Level #3 - Application Apply Evaluate Hypothesize Imagine Judge Predict Speculate

24 Did This Feud Continue? When the men discover the bodies, how do they react? They may take the opportunity to settle the dispute with their leaders dead. They may draw their own conclusions as to what happened between Ulrich and Georg and continue the dispute.

25 What is it about Human Nature that Creates Feuds? Pride Fear Insecurity Greed Anger

26 What are Some Modern Land Disputes? European Union As a political union, the EU has no border disputes with neighboring countries, but Estonia has no land boundary agreements with Russia, Slovenia disputes its land and maritime boundaries with Croatia, and Spain has territorial and maritime disputes with Morocco and with the UK over Gibraltar.

27 What are Some Modern Land Disputes? China Continuing talks and confidence-building measures work toward reducing tensions over Kashmir that nonetheless remains militarized with portions under the de facto administration of China, India, and Pakistan. India does not recognize Pakistan's ceding historic Kashmir lands to China in 1964.

28 What are Some Modern Land Disputes? China and India continue their security and foreign policy dialogue started in 2005 related to the dispute over most of their rugged, militarized boundary, regional nuclear proliferation, and other matters; China claims most of India's Arunachal Pradesh to the base of the Himalayas; lacking any treaty describing the boundary.

29 What are Some Modern Land Disputes? South Korea Military Demarcation Line within the 4-km wide Demilitarized Zone has separated North from South Korea since 1953; periodic incidents with North Korea in the Yellow Sea over the Northern Limit Line, which South Korea claims as a maritime boundary;

30 What are Some Modern Land Disputes? Nepal Joint border commission continues to work on contested sections of boundary with India, including the 400 square kilometer dispute over the source of the Kalapani River.

31 What are Some Modern Land Disputes? Israel West Bank and Gaza Strip are Israeli- occupied with current status subject to the Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement - permanent status to be determined through further negotiation; Israel continues construction of a "seam line" separation barrier along parts of the Green Line and within the West Bank;

32 What are Some Modern Land Disputes? Israel withdrew its settlers and military from the Gaza Strip and from four settlements in the West Bank in August 2005; Golan Heights is Israeli-occupied (Lebanon claims the Shab'a Farms area of Golan Heights);

33 English 10 Literature Lesson #15 Mr. Rinka The Intelopers Discussion Using Costa’s Three Levels of Thinking

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