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Europe Before WWI. Changes in Europe Franco-Prussian War helped to create Germany Frances lost…Money and land By 1871 Germany most powerful nation in.

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Presentation on theme: "Europe Before WWI. Changes in Europe Franco-Prussian War helped to create Germany Frances lost…Money and land By 1871 Germany most powerful nation in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Europe Before WWI

2 Changes in Europe Franco-Prussian War helped to create Germany Frances lost…Money and land By 1871 Germany most powerful nation in Central Europe Tension between France and Germany…scared!

3 Bismarck Keeps Peace Great at keeping peace. Wanted to isolate France so that don’t make alliances Allies with Russia and Austria-Hungary Both want Balkans Knew that Great Britain would be neutral = no threat.

4 Alliances 1873 - Three Emperors League Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary 1877 Russia wins control of Balkans after defeating Ottoman Empire. Bismarck gives Bosnia-Herzegovina to Austria-Hungary. Russia mad.

5 Fall of Bismarck’s Peace New leader (William II) takes over Expensive to keep alliance with Russia and Austria-Hungary. Drops alliance with Russia (poor underdeveloped and desperate). Russia looks for a friend!

6 France Steps In… France also needs an ally, so they help Russia. Give economic support Perfect plan for France…others in Europe nervous about their power. France needs another ally in order to protect themselves or have a war.

7 Rival Blocs Germany & Austria-Hungary vs. France & Russia. Great Britain not involved previously but now ready for alliances. Trying to save their power in Europe and are afraid of Germany and their powerful Navy. 1904 Triple Entente - Britain, France, and Russia

8 4 Main Causes of WWI Nationalism - rise of new nations Imperialism - each country trying to expand Militarism - all building up militaries and creates fear. Alliance System - drags everyone into a tiny little war!

9 Nationalism Modernization Countries wanted to unite because they were inspired by ideas of the French Revolution and Enlightenment and wanted to form their own working governments. Germany and Italy are good examples of various states, who shared similar ideas, people, geographic regions that decided to unite. Leading to WWI This ideas will continue. Now countries move more towards competing with each other. As larger countries are expanding and gaining more land under Imperialism, smaller countries are trying to retain their autonomy! Bosnia is a great example. They did not want to be controlled by Austria-Hungary and Serbia wanted to unite with them because they were all Serbs.

10 Imperialism Modernization Industrialization and the development of factories and industry, led to an increase in goods and supplies. It fosters economic competition. Countries began to expand and gain new lands as a way to acquire natural resources and find new markets for their goods. Leading to WWI As this Imperialism continues, countries grow increasingly competitive. Now countries are not just competing for resources, but new lands = Power! Countries are beginning to confront each other as they are fighting over the same territories. This happens in the Balkan Peninsula and will lead to WWI.

11 Militarism Modernization One of the results of the expansion of technology during the Era of Industrialization, is that there are many new military technologies. Countries are now working to develop the best weapons they can. Leading to WWI Again, in the spirit of competition, countries are now feeling threatened by each other due to the build up of military arms. Leads other countries to develop new weapons and adds to the tension that already exists. Puts everyone edge and ready to jump to war.

12 Alliance System Modernization After Napoleon was exiled, during the Congress of Vienna the Great Powers tried to find ways to balance the power in Europe. The attitude of all countries was to work together and keep peace so that they could avoid a situation where one country had all of the power. Leading to WWI This effort leads to the creation of multiple alliance systems. The alliances were formed to keep peace and worked well for a long time. They’re downfall is that they ended up dragging everyone into WWI because they grew to be so entangling.

13 Crisis in the Balkans Everyone was fighting over the land. Russia wanted a port to the Mediterranean Sea and to maintain Slavic control. Germany wanted a route to Turkey and Middle East/Africa. Serbia wanted to unite with Bosnia/Herzegovina because they both had a Serb population. When Austria-Hungary annexes the territory, many people are mad.

14 War is inevitable! Balkans were bound to cause war! Bosnia-Herzegovina controlled by Austria-Hungary…Serbia not happy about that. They want to unify all Serbs. Russia and Austria-Hungary feared each other’s domination in the area. Tension was high in the region…

15 Assassination! Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in Bosnia to celebrate the Annexation (parade) Serbian boy who was part of the Black Hand (wanted Bosnia to have independence) shoots the Archduke in an alley as he is trying to escape. Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. All other countries are drug into the war due to their alliances…

16 Last Straw Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand sets off the spark that ignites war throughout Europe.

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