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Zonta International Foundation Update 2010—2012 Jacquie Gudmundsen District 15 Foundation Ambassador Spring 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Zonta International Foundation Update 2010—2012 Jacquie Gudmundsen District 15 Foundation Ambassador Spring 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zonta International Foundation Update 2010—2012 Jacquie Gudmundsen District 15 Foundation Ambassador Spring 2012

2 2 Goals for 2010-2012 Total Foundation Fundraising Goal for 2010-2012 is US $3,758,000 As of March 31, 2012: US $3,792, 812

3 3 2010-2012 Fundraising Actual to Goals IS Fund: $1,500,000 1,551,556 ZISVAW Fund: $630,000 647,045 AE Fellowships: $700,000 421,011 JMK Scholarships: $184,000 139,084 YPA Awards: $94,000 165,000 Rose Fund: $650,000 869,086 Total: $3,758,000 $3,792,812

4 4 District 15 Fundraising Goals and Results 3/31 2010-12: At least 10% of members give individual gifts ($50,000) Actual: 9.87% (93 members) $17,820.28 2010-12: 100 % of clubs (40) contribute 1/3 of service monies ($100,000!) Actual: 95% (38 clubs) $98,606.17

5 5 Why Do We Give? We are committed to our mission to advance the status of women worldwide We contract, by Convention vote, to provide our partner UN agencies with these funds We support women’s education There are women who desperately need our help—now!

6 Amelia Earhart Fellowships 2011 Results 37 Women received $10,000 Fellowships From 17 countries To study Aerospace science in 7 countries At graduate institutions in 12 states Two in Michigan 6

7 Jane M. Klausman Women in Business 7 2011 Scholarships 12 International recipients of $5,000 each 26 District winners of $1,000 each From 14 countries

8 Young Women in Public Affairs Awards 2011 Winners Five international recipients of $3,000 each From USA, Philippines, Ghana, India, and Switzerland District winners receive $1,000 8

9 International Service $1,500,000 Rwanda—PMTCT Liberia—Obstetric Fistula Guatemala and El Salvador—Safe Cities for Women 9

10 Rwanda 10 PMTCT and reduction of gender-based violence

11 Rwanda Results Zonta is working with UNICEF to eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV by 2015 Will have served 2, 150 mother and infant pairs as of May 2012 So far, PMCT services to 21,721 women 97% of women and 85% of male partners tested and counseled for HIV 11

12 More Rwanda Results More effective anti-retroviral drugs (ARVs) provided to 99% of mothers and 64% of infants at PMCT centers Strong emphasis on eliminating Gender-based violence as part of halting the spread of HIV/Aids Family-based centers focus on educating and treating the entire family 12

13 Liberia 13 Elimination of obstetric fistula and reduction of maternal and newborn death

14 Help Up Not Hand Out 1.Free surgical correction of fistula 2.Optional four-month rehabilitation— teaches literacy and income- generating skills 3.Starter kit: the tools to earn an income using newly learned skills 14

15 Liberia 83% success rate for surgical repairs of fistulas Investigating permanent support for those not corrected 38% opted for of rehabilitation to learn skills These women go back to their communities equipped to support themselves and families 15

16 Liberia Site Visit Lynn McKenzie: Project driven by Liberians helping Liberians Zonta’s support gives women their lives back! 16

17 Safe Cities 17 Develop safe cities for women in Guatemala City and San Salvador

18 Methodology Train women to participate in the decision-making process in their communities— which results in much lower incidence of violence 18

19 Safe Cities—Site Visit 19 Vice President Maria Jose Oestergaard found much success during her January site visit. She credited the support of local and national authorities

20 Results of “Safe Cities” Lights, surveillance cameras, Clear signs with messages to eradicate violence against women, trained personnel and open, clean spaces. Thank You, Zonta! 20

21 ZISVAW Projects Haiti--Ensuring a Gender-Responsive Humanitarian and Early Recovery Response and end gender-based violence (UNIFEM--$200,000) Cambodia, Nepal, and Uganda— Developing a comprehensive strategy to end burns violence against women (UN Trust Fund--$430,000) 21

22 Haiti--Goal: Give women strong voice in the planning and implementation of short- term relief efforts as well as in the processes of rebuilding

23 Women of Haiti Rebuilding of Kay Fanm org. Provide medical and legal aid Build new shelter facility Zonta support extended to 2013 at UN Women’s request

24 24 ZIF = Help for Today Investment in Tomorrow Help for Today –International Service Program—PMTCT HIV in Rwanda, Fistula Campaign in Liberia, Safe Cities for Women in Guatemala and El Salvador –ZISVAW—Comprehensive Burns Strategy in Cambodia, Nepal, Uganda; Gender-responsive humanitarian aid in Haiti Investment in Tomorrow: –Amelia Earhart Fellowships – Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarships –Young Women in Public Affairs Awards

25 Help Us Help Them Make an individual donation today—we are so close to our district goal of 10% of our members donating Make sure your club has made its 2012 contribution. Tell others about the good work Zonta is doing Be proud you are a Zontian! 25

26 Thank You Thank you for your generosity, hard work, support, good will, and untiring efforts to help advance the status of women throughout the world. You make a tremendous difference! 26

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