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Cancer Notes Thursday November 6th. Review Mitosis/Cell Division.

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Presentation on theme: "Cancer Notes Thursday November 6th. Review Mitosis/Cell Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cancer Notes Thursday November 6th

2 Review Mitosis/Cell Division

3 Cancer Normal cells if damaged… Cancer Cells if damaged… Tumor Metastasis

4 What cause cancer?

5 Animations ( animations.htm) animations.htm Animations 1, 3, 4 5 is a summary Animation 2 goes into WAY more detail than we need

6 DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid Shape: double-helix (twisted ladder) Made of Nucleotides Each nucleotide contains 1 deoxyribose sugar, 1 phosphate, 1 base 4 bases exist: adenine which pairs with thymine, guanine which pairs with cytosine Chromosome is an entire strand of DNA, contains: Genes which are sections of DNA that code for one protein Non-coding sections of DNA Mutated DNA: A, T, C, G get mixed up in the way they connect

7 Protein Synthesis The process of copying the information in DNA to make proteins One gene has the information to make one protein Basic steps: RNA copies a gene of DNA RNA leaves nucleus and lands on ribosome Information on the RNA is used to put amino acids in order to make the protein

8 Proteins Help chemical reactions occur Hormones (regulate organism) Structure (cell membranes, cartilage, hair, etc.) Muscle contraction Immunity (antibodies) Transport All physical features!

9 Mutation- permanent change in the DNA sequence that has the potential to make a different protein Could be positive, negative, or have no effect Causes: Can be genetically inherited (ex: cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, tay-sachs, hemophilia, etc. etc. etc.) Environmental factors (ex: smoking, UV rays, chemicals, diet, etc. etc. etc.)

10 Supplemental Videos: What is DNA and How Does it Work? (5:23) Why Don't We All Have Cancer? (9:22) Mutations: The Potential Power of a Small Change(0:00-3:00)

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