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Indiana Fire Code.

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Presentation on theme: "Indiana Fire Code."— Presentation transcript:

1 Indiana Fire Code

2 Fire Code Classes Flammable Liquids -
Flash Points below 100 degrees F - Class I Liquids Class IA – Flash Point below 73 degrees and boiling point below 100 degrees Class IB – Flash Point below 73 degrees and boiling point above 100 degrees Class IC – Flash Point above 73 degrees and below 100 degrees

3 Fire Code Classes Combustible Liquids -
Flash Points at or above 100 degrees F - Class II & III Liquids Class II – Flash Point above 100 degrees and below 140 degrees Class IIIA – Flash Point above 140 degrees and below 200 degrees Class IIIB – Flash Point at or above 200 degrees

4 Fire Code Classes Example of Classes Acetone IB Biodiesel IIIB
Ethanol IB Gasoline IB Jet Fuel II Kerosene IIIA Methanol IB Vegetable Oil IIIB

5 Indiana Fire Code 675 IAC 22-2.4 Current Edition Proposed Edition
?? Chapter Chapter 23 675 IAC IAC IFC IFC 2012

6 Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages
Indiana Fire Code Chapter 22 (23) Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages

7 Indiana Fire Code Present:
Plans and specifications shall be submitted in accordance with the General Administrative Rules.

8 Indiana Fire Code Proposed: Adds the following:
Plans shall include the method of storage and dispensing, quantities and types of liquids to be stored, distances from tanks and dispensers to property lines and buildings, vehicle access, fire appliances, collision barriers, design and construction of tanks, tank supports, secondary containment, tank venting, vapor recovery provisions, and emergency controls.

9 Indiana Fire Code Maximum Capacity Class I, II, III Present:
Individual Tank: 10,000 Gallons Aggregate Capacity: 18,000 Gallons Proposed: Individual Tank: 12,000 Gallons Aggregate Capacity: ,000 Gallons

10 Minimum Distance Requirements
UL Class I ,000 Gals or Less Distance Description Present Proposed To Important Bldg To Fleet Fuel Dispenser To Public Fuel Dispenser N/A 25 To Lot Line To Public Way Between Tanks

11 Minimum Distance Requirements
UL Class I Greater than 6,000 Gals Distance Description Present Proposed To Important Bldg To Fleet Fuel Dispenser To Public Fuel Dispenser N/A 25 To Lot Line To Public Way Between Tanks

12 Minimum Distance Requirements
UL Class II, III ,000 Gals or Less Distance Description Present Proposed (Following is same as Class I) To Important Bldg To Fleet Fuel Dispenser To Public Fuel Dispenser N/A 25 To Lot Line To Public Way Between Tanks

13 Minimum Distance Requirements
UL Class II, III Greater than 6,000 Gals Distance Description Present Proposed (Following is same as Class I) To Important Bldg To Fleet Fuel Dispenser To Public Fuel Dispenser N/A 25 To Lot Line To Public Way Between Tanks

14 Minimum Distance Requirements
UL Class I 1,100 Gals or Less Single Tank Only Allowed) Distance Description Present Proposed To Important Bldg To Fleet Fuel Dispenser To Public Fuel Dispenser N/A N/A To Lot Line To Public Way Between Tanks

15 Minimum Distance Requirements
UL Class II, III 6,000 Gals or Less Aggregate: 18,000 Gals Distance Description Present Proposed To Important Bldg To Fleet Fuel Dispenser To Public Fuel Dispenser N/A N/A To Lot Line To Public Way Between Tanks

16 Minimum Distance Requirements
UL Class II, III 6,001 Gals to 10,000 Aggregate: 18,000 Gals Distance Description Present Proposed To Important Bldg To Fleet Fuel Dispenser To Public Fuel Dispenser N/A N/A To Lot Line To Public Way Between Tanks

17 Not: Alarm at 90% and shut-off at 95%
AST Reminders: Tanks shall be provided with automatic fuel shut-off devices capable of stopping the delivery of fuel when the level in the tank reaches 90% of tank capacity. Shut-Off at 90% Not: Alarm at 90% and shut-off at 95%

18 AST Reminders: Guard posts or other means shall be provided to protect the area where tanks are installed. Constructed of Steel not less than 4 inches in diameter and concrete filled Spaced not more than 4 feet between posts on center. Set not less than 3 feet deep in a concrete footing ot not less than a 15 inch diameter. Set with the top of the posts not less than 3 feet above ground. Located not less than 3 feet from the protected object.

19 AST Reminders: Tank and tank enclosure openings shall be through the top only - all tanks - horizontal and vertical.

20 Questions/Discussion

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