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Spotlight - 10 Module 1 Present Tenses.

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1 Spotlight - 10 Module 1 Present Tenses

2 Present Tenses VERB/ VERB+ES Don’t/Doesn’t VERB Do/Does…VERB
Present Simple Present Tenses VERB/ VERB+ES Don’t/Doesn’t VERB Do/Does…VERB

3 Present Tenses 2) Present Сontinuous AM IS VERB+ing ARE

4 3) Present Perfect Present Tenses HAVE HAS VERB3/ED

5 4) Present Perfect Continuous
Present Tenses HAVE/HAS BEEN VERB+ing

6 Present Tenses – What …………. (you/do) at the moment?
are you doing – What …………. (you/do) at the moment? am playing - I ……………. (play) a computer game.

7 Present Tenses 2) – How long …………(it/take) you to get to school?
does it take 2) – How long …………(it/take) you to get to school? -Ten minutes on the bus, but tomorrow my dad ……… (give) me a lift. is giving

8 Present Tenses 3) -Your mum ………..(cook) very well.
cooks 3) -Your mum ………..(cook) very well. is making -Yes. Actually, she ……. (make) a cake right now.

9 Present Tenses 4) –You look tired. What ………. (you/do)?
have you been doing 4) –You look tired. What ………. (you/do)? have been working -I …………(work) in the garden all day.

10 Present Tenses 5) -……….. (you/want) to come over
Do you want 5) -……….. (you/want) to come over to my house to watch some DVDs? haven’t finished -No. Sorry. I ………….. (not/finish) my homework yet.

11 Present Tenses 6) -……………(you/come) shopping with me today?
Are you coming 6) -……………(you/come) shopping with me today? don’t have -I’d love to, but I ………….(not/have) any money.

12 Present Tenses 7) –What time ………..(train/leave)?
does the train leave 7) –What time ………..(train/leave)? is -There …… (be) one in five minutes.

13 Present Tenses 8) –I ……….. (see) Tina this afternoon.
am seeing 8) –I ……….. (see) Tina this afternoon. haven’t seen Really? Can I come? I ……(not/see) her for ages.

14 Present Tenses 9) -…………….(you/play) computer games all afternoon?
Have you been playing 9) -…………….(you/play) computer games all afternoon? have been tidying have been tidying -No. I ……. (tidy) my room and I …… (walk) the dog as well.

15 Present Tenses 10) - ……………(you/like) sports?
Do you like 10) - ……………(you/like) sports? play Yes. We ……….. (play) football every Saturday.

16 Present Tenses 11) – What ………… (you/do) and where is your sister?
are you doing 11) – What ………… (you/do) and where is your sister? am listening - I ………….. (listen) to music and Ann ………. (surf) the Net. is surfing

17 Present Tenses 12) - ……………. (you/work) this week?
Have you worked 12) - ……………. (you/work) this week? has been - No. It ……….. (be) my week off.

18 Present Tenses

19 Present Tenses

20 Present Tenses

21 Present Tenses

22 Present Tenses

23 Present Tenses

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