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S 3 English Direct & Indirect Speech We can use reported speech to talk about what someone else said. Indirect Speech= Reported Speech ( 間接引語 ) Target.

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2 S 3 English Direct & Indirect Speech We can use reported speech to talk about what someone else said. Indirect Speech= Reported Speech ( 間接引語 ) Target Unit 7 P.6,7

3 Tom said, “ I am hungry.”

4 There are 3 types of speech 1.Statement ( 陳述 ) I am hungryDirect Speech: Tom said, “I am hungry.” >>Indirect Speech: Tom said that he was hungry.Tom said that he was hungry.

5 reporting verbs. We use different reporting verbs. Reported Statement( 陳述 ) saideg. He said that he did not know your address.

6 reporting verbs. We use different reporting verbs. Reported command : 命令 toldchange ‘said to’ to told toldHe told me to wait for him. Reported request: 要求 askedHe asked me to help him.

7 “Move your car.” policeman

8 driver

9 2. Command or request ( 命令 / 請求 ) I. Command Direct SpeechDirect Speech: “ Move your car, ” the policeman told the driver. >> Indirect Speech>> Indirect Speech : toThe policeman told the driver to move his car.

10 “Please get me some water.” Miss WongMiss Wong

11 Alan

12 II. Request 請求 Direct Speech: “Please get me some water,” Miss Wong said to Alan.

13 >> Indirect Speech: asked said to >>> asked Miss Wong asked Alan to to get her some water.

14 reporting verbs. We use different reporting verbs. Reported question ?????????????? askedHe asked me how I did it.

15 Tom

16 3. Questions I. Wh- question Direct Speech: eg. “Where do you come from?” Tom asked me.

17 >>>Indirect Speech: Tom asked me where I came from.

18 nurse

19 II. Yes/No question Direct Speech: Are“Are you ill?” she asked me.

20 Change the order of the subject and the verb in questions. She asked me if + subject + verb + ……….

21 >>Indirect Speech: if I wasShe asked me if I was ill.

22 We change tenses when using indirect speech like this.

23 Present Continuous Tense>> Past Continuous Tense “The thief is running away,” said Mrs.Chan. Mrs. Chan said that the thief was running away.


25 The tense does not always change in indirect speech. If we are reporting something which is generally true, or something that is still true, the tense stays the same. “China is the biggest country in the world,” he said. >>> He said that China is the biggest country in the world.

26 modal verbs Change the modal verbs. CanCan >>> could shallshall >>> should

27 may >>>may >>> might must >>>must >>> had to

28 Change ‘ don’t ’ to ‘not to’ ‘Don’t move,’ the robbers shouted. >>The robbers told us not to move.

29 Change the time words. “I saw a pretty girl today,” said Edison. Edison said that he had seen a pretty girl that day.

30 yesterday >>> the day before tomorrow >>> the following day last year >>> the previous year next week >>> the following week

31 Change ‘here’ to ‘there’. “Put the bottle here,” he said. Indirect Speech: He told me to put the bottle there.

32 Change ‘this’ to ‘that’; ‘these’ to ‘those’. eg. “I like this jacket and these socks,” said Miriam. >>>Indirect Speech that thoseMiriam said that she liked that jacket and those socks.

33 Change the pronouns and possessive adjectives. I, me, my --->>> we, us, our ---->> youryou, your -->>> he/she, him/her, his/her they, them, their he/she/they/ him/her/them, his/her/theirhis/her/their me, myme, my

34 Take out your notebook now.

35 Exercise 1: 1. “ I am afraid,” said Mark. Ans: Mark said that he was afraid.>> Mark said that he was afraid.

36 said to 2.“Get down onto the floor,”the robbers said to the manager. Ans: to>>>The robbers told the manager to get down onto the floor.

37 3. “Please wake me up at 6 a.m.,” Joey said to her mother. Ans: her>>>>> Joey asked her mother to wake her up at 6 a.m.

38 4.“Will you be my girlfriend?”Edison asked Joey. Ans: >>>Edison asked Joey if she would be his girlfriend.

39 5. “What do you do?” Miss Mo asked me. Ans:Ans: Miss Mo asked me what I did.Miss Mo asked me what I did.

40 Try to do Target p.7 now.Try to do Target p.7 now.

41 Please check your answers. (1) “ I will write a report about the robbery tomorrow, ” said the Manager. Ans: The Manager said that he would write a report about the robbery the following day.The Manager said that he would write a report about the robbery the following day.

42 (2) “ I tried to press the alarm under my desk, ” said the cashier. Ans:Ans: The cashier said that he/she had tried to press the alarm under his/her desk.The cashier said that he/she had tried to press the alarm under his/her desk.

43 3. “Where is the key?”the robber asked me. Ans: The robber asked me where the key was.

44 4. “Shut up!” shouted the robber. Ans:Ans: The robber ordered/told us to shut up.The robber ordered/told us to shut up.

45 Try to do your worksheet now.

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