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Moderator: Agoritsa Baka - Hellenic CDC Rapporteur: Dina Zota HProImmune European Workshop Athens 25 & 26 April, 2013 WG4: Discussion on the possible contents.

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Presentation on theme: "Moderator: Agoritsa Baka - Hellenic CDC Rapporteur: Dina Zota HProImmune European Workshop Athens 25 & 26 April, 2013 WG4: Discussion on the possible contents."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moderator: Agoritsa Baka - Hellenic CDC Rapporteur: Dina Zota HProImmune European Workshop Athens 25 & 26 April, 2013 WG4: Discussion on the possible contents of the hospital/PH ToolKit

2 Conclusions on overcoming organizational barriers towards immunizations -I Proposed related contents for the HProImmune Toolkit & relevant activities The importance of leadership, working with leadership and offering leadership material and tools to use Address vaccinations with newly employed workers – take the opportunity to inform about vaccinations during orientation Offer easy access and solutions Surveillance The importance of the occupational setting

3 Conclusions on overcoming organizational barriers towards immunizations -II Proposed related contents for the HProImmune Toolkit & relevant activities Information delivery should be accompanied by easy access to vaccinations Obtain management support Use incentives Address the severity of diseases, offer information about disease Different information material for doctors, nurses and other personnel

4 Conclusions on overcoming organizational barriers towards immunizations -III Proposed related contents for the HProImmune Toolkit & relevant activities Use available tools to implement a personalized approach (emails for example) Use reminders – prompts etc Address multiple VPDs and not only influenza Use examples of immunization schedules – they possibly will need to be different for different HCWs categories For private physicians professional bodies could be used as a way of reaching out to them Include information to convince HCWs about their role in protecting their patients but also their families and themselves

5 Conclusions on overcoming behavior related barriers towards immunizations -I Proposed related contents for the HProImmune Toolkit & relevant activities Complacency Vaccine = risk, nowadays Uncertainty acknowledged and explained Historical facts Include high quality up to date factual information on currently available vaccines, include some historical facts and explain uncertainty in lay terms Perception of “risk” for the public Common language, misconceptions Education/knowledge issue New developments Professional development

6 Conclusions on overcoming behavior related barriers towards immunizations -II Proposed related contents for the HProImmune Toolkit & relevant activities Lack of trust in institutions varies per country conflict of interest for policy makers or physicians Peer pressure For enablers also Narrative of personal experiences Do not attack message sources that have credibility, not in dialogue Target their audience Approach should vary per vaccine

7 Conclusions on overcoming behavior related barriers towards immunizations -III Proposed related contents for the HProImmune Toolkit & relevant activities Alternative ways of communicating Become familiar with HCW networks, blogs etc Reframe the messages towards the risk of the diseases Prepare well and wait Legal aspects Understand current ways to get message out Social media Google terms Trends of public opinion

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