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EU Development Cooperation Simon Maxwell Overseas Development Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "EU Development Cooperation Simon Maxwell Overseas Development Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 EU Development Cooperation Simon Maxwell Overseas Development Institute

2 Facts about EU cooperation EU role EU policy trends and issues Choices / Future direction

3 The European Commission... Spends only about 15% of its aid budget in Asia (approx $1 bn p.a.) But the EC and the Member States together provide about $4.4 bn p.a. to Asia, equivalent to 27% of all aid to South and Central Asia and about 29% of all aid to the Far East and Oceania. N.B. New members



6 What kind of partnership? ?

7 EU - Asia Aid Trade Foreign Policy See –ASEM –Blair visits to China and India But not treaty-based (cf Cotonou)

8 The European Consensus On Development (Feb 2006) Poverty reduction as the over-arching objective; Common values (human rights, peace, good governance etc...); Common principles (ownership, partnership etc...) Effectiveness Policy coherence

9 The EC Development Policy Development as a shared competence; Added value: global; size; link to trade etc; Focus on: trade; regional integration; NR; infrastructure; water; energy; rural development; food security; governance; conflict; human development; HIV/AIDS; coherence.

10 The big win: more money

11 Financial Perspectives 2007-2013 50 bn euros for external action (total budget: 862 bn euros = 1.045% of EU GDP) Six main instruments: –Pre-accession –Stability –Devt Cooperation –European Neighbourhood –Humanitarian Aid –Macro-financial assistance

12 Increasing Europeanisation Receding Europeanisation Less Pro- poor More Pro- poor

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