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APA Formatting Formatting, Plagiarism and Citation Note: This seminar will be recorded by the instructor.

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Presentation on theme: "APA Formatting Formatting, Plagiarism and Citation Note: This seminar will be recorded by the instructor."— Presentation transcript:

1 APA Formatting Formatting, Plagiarism and Citation Note: This seminar will be recorded by the instructor.

2 Review of Units 1-3 Project Discussion Questions?

3 APA Basics APA: American Psychological Association Sources -Template Paper (Doc Sharing) -APA Manual (6 th Edition) -The original APA guide (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association), published by the American Psychological Association is available through many bookstores and libraries. -Websites

4 APA Basics Some of the basics of the formatting include: A title page with the following: -name of your paper, -the date -your name, -class name -my name. Double Spacing on each page Executive summary of the paper (1 paragraph)

5 APA Basics Table of contents Headers with your paper’s title and page numbers at the top of the page References list at the end One-inch margins 12 pt font (black) -Times New Roman (recommended) - Courier

6 APA and Citations APA also provides guidelines on citing and referencing sources so that we are avoiding plagiarism. In your paper: directly after your quote or paraphrased text. (Author’s last name, Publish Year) for example: (Smith, 2003). In References List -ALL sources used

7 APA Citations Here are two websites that I have found pretty reliable: - -

8 Sample References Book (nonperiodical): -Lyncheski, M.L. (2000). Figuring out APA. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Article from a magazine: -Yearout, S., Miles, G., and Koonce, R. (2000). Wanted: Leader- builders. Training and Development, 54, 34-45. Online document: -Lyncheski, M. E. (2000). Figuring out APA. Retrieved October 21, 2000 from http://stephaniechronical.com

9 Plagiarism Kaplan’s Policy What is it? Outcomes of Plagiarism -Reduced score - Zero for assignment - Zero for the course - Expelled from school Teacher’s Tools -Writing analysis

10 Plagiarism Ethics vs. Law

11 Any Questions? Thank you for attending! See you next week! Instructor will post the link to the recording of tonight’s seminar in the course Announcements.

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