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8 th Annual General Meeting of Euforic Information strategies and policy influence June 2 – 3, 2005, London.

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Presentation on theme: "8 th Annual General Meeting of Euforic Information strategies and policy influence June 2 – 3, 2005, London."— Presentation transcript:

1 8 th Annual General Meeting of Euforic Information strategies and policy influence June 2 – 3, 2005, London

2 Introduction Seminar 2004 –Networking for learning: what can we do? Objectives of the day Programme

3 Seminar 2004 Fostering and promoting Southern participation –Lessons learnt in 3 e-consultations –LA debate start of a longer process E-networking experiences of Grupo Chorlaví (Chile) –Influence = people + content + reputation

4 Objectives To learn which information strategies to follow and mechanisms to use for being really effective in influencing policy To identify which information foraging strategies are used by different practitioners, be they politicians, researchers or lobbyists To learn how your organization can prepare itself for the internet information landscape of tomorrow.

5 Programme AM: –Cases on Networking –Cases on Information and communication PM: –Working groups: your views and experiences –Panel on foraging strategies Drinks and dinner June 3: Euforic Annual General Meeting

6 8 th Annual General Meeting of Euforic Information strategies and policy influence June 2 – 3, 2005, London

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