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8 th Science at Tahoma Jr. High What To Expect. ONE COORDINATED 8 th Science Web Site for ALL 8 th Grade Science Students.

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Presentation on theme: "8 th Science at Tahoma Jr. High What To Expect. ONE COORDINATED 8 th Science Web Site for ALL 8 th Grade Science Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 8 th Science at Tahoma Jr. High What To Expect

2 ONE COORDINATED 8 th Science Web Site for ALL 8 th Grade Science Students

3 Internet access from home/staying after school, etc. - will be very useful, but not “required”. Laptops will be used a lot in class and usually available.

4 Events Calendar for each day:

5 if you click on a Class # you’ll see…

6 HomeWork due Learning Target Entry Question Class Activities HomeWork Exit Question

7 DOCUMENTS (the whole course is here): HomeWork (HW) HandOuts (HO) PowerPoints (PPT) *each starts with the Class # for easy reference (no videos – due to copyright issues)

8 Some documents will be LOCKED as they are either for a future class OR they have ANSWERS TO HW and CANNOT BE UNLOCKED UNTIL AFTER 6 th Period.

9 if you click on Image Gallery there are some pictures from classes

10 if you click on Links, there are hyperlinks to additional help and fun things to do online

11 8 th Science is 4 Big Units ~9 weeks – CHEMISTRY (Part A and Part B – each with a Test) ~10 weeks – PHYSICS (Part A and Part B – each with a Test) ~8 weeks – ASTRONOMY (One big unit with Big Test) ~6 weeks – SUSTAINABILITY (Next Generation Science Standards unit)

12 SCIENCE PRESENTATION PROJECTS done in groups of 3 or 4 MOSTLY IN CLASS graded individually – but collaboration skills stressed Introduction Individual Presentation (shows PPT can be used) Element “Group” Project (three individual simply combined) Important Chemical Group Project (first real group project) Electricity Group Project (develops more group skills) Mousetrap Car Investigative Design - Individual Project Space Programs Group Presentation (finalizes group skills)

13 8 th Science Topics

14 Chemistry (our hardest unit, but we have to start with it since it’s involved in so many other subjects) Phases of Matter - Physical and Chemical Changes & Properties - Hydrolysis Lab Chemical Formulas and Equations Acids and Bases (pH scale Lab) Chemical Reactions (Unknown Gas Testing Lab) Chemistry of Photosynthesis / Cellular Respiration (molecular model kits) Making Glue from Milk Digestive System: Worm/Frog Dissection (alternatives available) CHEMICAL GROUP PPT PROJECT

15 Electricity chemical batteries static electricity Electricity Production Group PPT Project

16 Physics Six Simple Machines – Lever Lab Potential / Kinetic Energy (Pendulum Lab and Roller Coaster simulator) Motion Sensor Lab Newton’s Three Laws of Motion Friction

17 Individual Mousetrap Car Project

18 Sound and Light

19 Wave Anatomy and Sound Waves (ear anatomy) Optics: Mirrors and Lenses Labs Light Waves (Electro-Magnetic Spectrum) Eye Anatomy (sheep eye dissection - alternative available)

20 Astronomy Brief History of Astronomy (telescopes) Solar System layout (Sun, planets, moons, asteroids, comets) Sun, Earth and Moon Relationships (seasons, tides, eclipses) Moon Phases (StarLab indoor planetarium) Stellar Life Cycles and Fusion energy SPACE PROGRAM – Group Project

21 End of the Year Culminating Unit: Sustainability Next Generation Science Standards packaged unit will be piloted. Actual materials have not been selected or approved yet – but will be ready for May start of unit.

22 Pop Bottle Rockets fun way to use Physics to end the year

23 Grade Point Distribution ~ 25% of points = HomeWork ~ 25% of points = Journals and Labs ~ 25% of points = PPT Projects ~ 25% of points = Tests * even students who struggle on tests can pass the class IF they do the other parts well

24 Re-Test (improve score) Policy Requirements are: 1.We’ll go over test in class as a group focusing on how answers were incorrect (extra time available through arrangement with teacher). 2.Register online through – to attend After-School Re-Test session 3. 2 nd Score Counts (even if lower)

25 The End (presentation will repeat)

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