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To Do Make the Macromolecule Build  Structure: Monomers and building polymers  Important functions  Add: Why is the shape important? (Importance of.

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Presentation on theme: "To Do Make the Macromolecule Build  Structure: Monomers and building polymers  Important functions  Add: Why is the shape important? (Importance of."— Presentation transcript:


2 To Do Make the Macromolecule Build  Structure: Monomers and building polymers  Important functions  Add: Why is the shape important? (Importance of structure) Venn Diagram instructions Station instruction Trackers


4 Getting Organized Unit 2:  Need to have your Table of Contents  Need to have your Vocabulary Sheet  It is REQUIRED!!!!!!  This is one of the ways we are all getting 3 and 4’s!

5 Umm…why are we learning about chemistry in biology?

6 Why are we learning about Chemistry??? 5 elements make up over 90% of your body! C, H, N, O, P (Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorous)

7 BECAUSE….. Every biological process is part of a chemical reaction! All of the energy we need depends on chemical reactions!

8 Basic Chemistry REMINDERS… Chemical symbols are used to represent each element.  Found on the Periodic Table

9 Basic Chemistry REMINDERS… Compounds are combinations of 2 or more elements.

10 Biochemistry Study of the chemicals necessary for living things. Also called Organic Chemistry.  Involves the element carbon (C)

11 Organic Molecules Inorganic Molecules Contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms together Make up living things Molecules that play an important role in living things Don’t contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen together Make up nonliving things Molecules that also play an important role in living things Organic vs. Inorganic

12 Biochemistry Macromolecules or Polymers are large molecules that are made up of many repeating subunits or building block molecules known as monomers. POLYMER MONOMER Definitions on NEXT Slide!

13 Biochemistry Terms to Know:  Monomer – the smallest unit of a substance (the building block)  Example: like one Lego block  Polymer – many monomers linked together to make a large structure; also called macromolecules (many repeating subunits linked together)  Example: Lego blocks put together to make a Lego house

14 Biochemistry Types of Organic Molecules (Macromolecules) 1. Carbohydrates 2. Lipids 3. Proteins 4. Nucleic Acids

15 Check Yourself! 1. What are the 4 “Core Organic Molecules”? 2. What are the 5 essential elements? (Write out the full names and the memory trick). 3. What is the most important inorganic compound in life? 4. Compare and contrast Organic and Inorganic molecules.

16 Properties of Water - Observations What is the bond between hydrogen and oxygen that make the molecule hard to break? What is the bond that allows water to “stick” together? Using the medicine dropper, place as many drops of water on the penny as you can with out spilling. Make sure to keep count and record

17 Observations After dissolving the sodium hydroxide, write your observations What do you think happened? (Remember the bonds) What is adhesion? What is cohesion?

18 Test Tracking Every time we have a test we will track our progress towards our BIG GOAL of 85% of HIGHER! Congratulations to all of you that achieved our BIG GOAL on our first Unit Test How to do this….  Our tests will be kept in our Tracking Folders (in your mailboxes)  We will each have individual mailbox numbers  You will get these today!  For each objective on the test, you will create a bar chart of your progress….  This will help us keep track of our progress towards our goal and getting a 3 or 4 on the EOC!!!

19 Unit 1 Tracking KEY: GREEN: 85% and higher YELLOW: 70% - 84% RED: 69% and below

20 Quick Write 1. Do you play any sports? If so, list one sport that you play. If not, list any activity you do that requires energy. 2. Why is it important that you eat before an activity? 3. List any foods you can think of that are high in one or more of the following compounds: – Sugars – Fats – Proteins

21 Carbohydrates

22 FUNCTION Function:  to store and release QUICK energy  If the energy is not used, it gets stored as FAT (or LIPIDS)

23 SUBUNITS Sugars and Starches Monomer = monosaccharide (one unit of sugar)  Examples: Glucose & Fructose Polymer = Polysaccharide (many units of sugar)  Example: Starches

24 The ATOMS & RATIO Made of CARBON (C), HYDROGEN (H), and OXYGEN (O) These atoms are found in a special ration: 1:2:1 ratio (Example: C 6 H 12 O 6 )

25 It LOOKS Like… Pictures Monomer Polymer

26 It is IMPORTANT because… It is made by PRODUCERS in PHOTOSYNTHESIS GLUCOSE is the sugar made by plants during photosynthesis. Animals use this glucose to help create cellular energy (ATP)

27 TESTS FOR SUGAR: Benedict’s Solution  To help remember this: BEN LIKES SUGAR! FOR STARCH: Iodine  To help remember this: I DINE ON STARCH!

28 Monosaccharides Monomer = 1 Unit of SUGAR Examples:  Glucose  Fructose Monomers are SIMPLE carbohydrates They give you quick energy and are typically not very healthy  Example: sugars found in candy bars!

29 POLYSACCHARIDES Polymer = Many Units of SUGAR Examples:  Starch  sugars in plants (made of many repeating glucose molecules)  Glycogen  energy storage in animal muscle  Cellulose  found in plant cell walls; animals can not digest Polysaccharides are COMPLEX carbohydrates They are better for you than SIMPLE carbohydrates  Examples: brown rice, potatoes, pasta, bread

30 They typically END in… -OSE Example: glucOSE, fructOSE, lactOSE

31 What happens when they are not used? They turn into FAT

32 Stations Station 1: Organic vs. Inorganic Station 2: Carb Questions Station 3: Build the Macromolecule -Label as a Carb -Glue the pieces down -Describe the FUNCTION -Describe the IMPORTANCE

33 Do Now 1. What are the subunits of a Carbohydrate? 2. What is the test for a sugar? 3. What is the test for a starch? 4. What are the atoms of a Carb? 5. What is the special ration of the atoms? 6. What is the FUNCTION of a carb?

34 Lipids

35 FUNCTION of LIPIDS Function:  Stored, long-term energy  Very concentrated  Twice as much energy as carbohydrates  Insulation  Keeps you warm (think of the blubber on a whale!)  Body Padding  Cushions body organs  Cell membranes  PhosphoLIPID Bilayer  Fat surrounds all of your cells and helps support the cell Commonly called fats, oils and waxes

36 SUBUNITS 1 GLYCEROL and 3 FATTY ACIDS Monomer = long chains of 1 glycerol and 3 fatty acids GLYCEROL 3 FATTY ACIDS

37 The ATOMS & RATIO Made of CARBON (C), HYDROGEN (H), and OXYGEN (O) RATION?  THERE IS NO SPECIFIC RATION!!  Lipids have the same ATOMS as carbohydrates, but lipids do not have a specific ration like carbohydrates do.

38 It LOOKS Like… Pictures

39 2003-2004 Molecular Structure of Fat not a chain (polymer) = just a “big fat molecule” glycer ol  fatty acid   

40 TESTS BROWN PAPER BAG TEST! If there IS a grease stain, then lipids are present!

41 Saturated vs. Unsaturated SATURATED Saturated – bonds in molecule are UNBENDABLE Tend to clog arteries Typically from animals (fats, butter, lard) UNSATURATED Unsaturated – some bonds in molecule BENDABLE Better, but can still clog arteries Typically from plants (oils)


43 2003-2004 It’s IMPORTANT for your CELLS… Cell membranes are made out of lipids  phospholipids  heads are on the outside touching water  “like” water (hydroPHILIC)  tails are on inside away from water  “scared” of water (hydroPHOBIC)  forms a barrier between the cell & the outside

44 Stations Station 1: Lipids Questions Station 2: Carbs vs. Lipids Station 3: Lipid molecule build -Label as a LIPID -Glue the monomers together on your paper -Describe the FUNCTION -Describe the IMPORTANCE

45 Lipids = Fats Function Stored Energy, support, insulation Atoms C, H, O Important Make up the CELL membrane (phospholipids) Subunits 3 Fatty Acids & Glycerol Pictures Test Brown Paper Bag Test


47 Building A LIPID Macromolecule Building our own Monomers and Polymers!

48 Carbs Lipids Carbs or Lipids?! Cheese Bread Chocolate Cream Pasta Butter Fruit Cake Sausage Oil

49 Whiteboard Challenge Quickly record your answer to the questions Do not shout out or share answers When I say “Boards Up,” flip answers to the front

50 1 What are the subunits of a Carbohydrate?

51 2 Draw the structure of Glucose

52 3 What are the 3 subunits of a Lipid

53 4 What is a Lipid?

54 5 What is one of the functions of a Carb?

55 6 What is one of the functions of a Lipid?

56 7 What are the 5 essential elements?

57 8 What is the range for an Acid?

58 9 What is the range for a Base?

59 10 What is the role of a buffer?

60 11 What is the test for a SUGAR?

61 12 What is the test for a STARCH?

62 13 What is the TEST for a LIPID?

63 14 What are the 3 elements in both CARBS and LIPIDS?

64 15 What is the RATION of atoms in a CARB?

65 Carb vs. Lipid Compare and Contrast Carbs and Lipids

66 Exit Ticket A student performed a food test on her lunch. The Iodine test and Brown paper bag test came back positive. What organic molecules were in her lunch? A. Starches only B. Sugars and starches C. Starches and lipids D. Lipids and sugars

67 1. Carbohydrates are made of ________ & ___________. 2. Lipids are made of _________ & _______. 1. Lipids are tested using the __________. 1. Sugars are tested using the ____________. 1. Starches are tested using the ___________.

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