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Endometrial Cancer By Jessica Hall. Symptoms Unusual vaginal bleeding or discharge Difficult or painful urination Pain during intercourse Pain in the.

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Presentation on theme: "Endometrial Cancer By Jessica Hall. Symptoms Unusual vaginal bleeding or discharge Difficult or painful urination Pain during intercourse Pain in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Endometrial Cancer By Jessica Hall

2 Symptoms Unusual vaginal bleeding or discharge Difficult or painful urination Pain during intercourse Pain in the pelvic area

3 Statistics of Endometrial Cancer Most cases of endometrial cancer occur between the ages of 60 and 70 years, but a few cases may occur before age 40.

4 Endometrial cancer is cancer that starts in the endometrium, the lining of the uterus (womb). Having these is a risk of having endometrial cancer: Diabetes Estrogen replacement therapy without the use of progesterone History of endometrial polyps or other benign growths of the uterine liningendometrial polyps Infertility (inability to become pregnant ) Infertility

5 Treatments Treatment options involve surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy A hysterectomy may be performed in women with the early stage 1 disease. Removal of the tubes and ovaries (bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy) is also usually recommended. Abdominal hysterectomy is recommended over vaginal hysterectomy. This type of hysterectomy allows the surgeon to look inside the abdominal area and remove tissue for a biopsy Surgery combined with radiation therapy is often used to treat women with stage 1 disease that has a high chance of returning, has spread to the lymph nodes, or is a grade 2 or 3. It is also used to treat women with stage 2 disease. Chemotherapy may be considered in some cases, especially for those with stage 3 and 4 disease.

6 Endometrial Cancer

7 Sited page cancer?CMP=KNC-360i-YAHOO- HEA&HBX_OU=51&HBX_PK=cancer_endometrial cancer?CMP=KNC-360i-YAHOO- HEA&HBX_OU=51&HBX_PK=cancer_endometrial cancer?CMP=KNC-360i-YAHOO- HEA&HBX_OU=51&HBX_PK=cancer_endometrial cancer?CMP=KNC-360i-YAHOO- HEA&HBX_OU=51&HBX_PK=cancer_endometrial

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