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Monday, March 12, 2012  Grab a new Frank from the stool  Benefits of Oil  Homework: Read and annotate and summarize article Learning Target: I can discuss.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, March 12, 2012  Grab a new Frank from the stool  Benefits of Oil  Homework: Read and annotate and summarize article Learning Target: I can discuss."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, March 12, 2012  Grab a new Frank from the stool  Benefits of Oil  Homework: Read and annotate and summarize article Learning Target: I can discuss the benefits of oil.  Bellringer: what are the uses of oil?  Take a sheet from the red chair

2 Teacher-Directed Instruction Expectations  Conversation: Level___  Help:  Activity: listen and take notes  Movement:  Participation:

3 1. Which country uses the most oil per person in the world?

4  Answer: United States

5 2) What are 5 items that we use everyday that are made from oil?

6  Answer- Plastic, aspirin, gasoline, lipstick, candles, foam cushions, detergents, glue, cosmetics

7 3) What is a non-renewable resource?

8  Answer- It is a resource that can not be used more than once, once its gone its gone

9 4)Which Middle Eastern country has the largest oil reserves?


11  Answer: Saudi Arabia

12 5)About how much gas does the average American family use per year? About how much does that cost?

13 Answer- 500 gallons costing about $1350 per year

14 6) Which US state has the largest oil reserves?

15  Answer: Alaska

16 7) What percent of our oil do we import from other countries?

17  Answer- 60 Percent is imported

18 8) Have we ever run out of oil in the US? If so, when?

19  Answer- Yes, in the 1970s gas stations ran out of gas.

20 9) What alternatives do we have to oil?

21  Answer- Biodiesel, solar power, wind power, ethanol, water, hydrogen cells, nuclear power

22 10) How much do experts expect oil to cost in the summer?

23  Answer- $5 a gallon

24 Learning Check # 1  Why is oil so important?

25 Oil Vocabulary 3/12/12 QuestionsAnswers

26 Oil Vocabulary  Oil reserves- oil that has been discovered but remains unused in the ground  Petroleum- oil  Non-renewable resource- It is a resource that can not be used more than once, once its gone its gone  Consumption- the using up of goods and services  Fossil fuels- any fuel, such as petroleum, coal, and natural gas, that is made from the remains of prehistoric plants and animals (usually causes pollution)

27 Partner Read Aloud  Conversation: Level 1  Help: Raise your hand if you are confused  Activity: Read the article out loud with your partner then annotate and summarize it.  Movement: You may get up to sharpen your pencil without permission  Participation: eyes on paper, writing on paper, reading article and not talking about non-article things

28 Learning Check # 2/ Reflection  What are some of the benefits of oil?  How do you interact with oil on a daily basis?  Why do you think that oil has caused so much conflict?

29 Tuesday, March 13, 2012  Check in with Frank  Read Intro to Oil (357- 358)  Brain Pop: Oil  Dubai Decadence  Reflection  Check out with Frank  Learning Target: I can discuss how the world uses oil.  Bellringer: Think about the article from yesterday. Are there any items that are made from petroleum that surprised you? If so, which items?

30 Oil Vocabulary Continued  Gross domestic product- the total value of goods and services produced in a country in a year  Supply and demand- economic system that determines price in a market economy  Production- the creation or construction of human made products  Import- to bring goods from a foreign country for trade or sell  Export- something sold abroad as part of international trade

31 Reflection  What are the benefits of oil to the world? Why do people place such a high value on oil?

32 Wednesday, March 14, 2012  Check in with Frank  Vocabulary Review  Oil in the Middle East and around the World  Learning Target: I can discuss how the Middle East uses oil.  Bellringer: How has oil impacted the creation of culture in Dubai?

33 Teacher-Directed Instruction Expectations  Conversation: Level 0  Help: Raise your hand  Activity: Look at each picture and match the vocabulary term to it  Movement: You may not sharpen your pencil or go to the bathroom  Participation: Look at the screen and do not talk to your neighbor

34 Match the picture to the correct vocabulary term. Picture APicture B

35 Picture CPicture D

36 Picture EPicture F

37 Picture G

38 Partner Work Expectations  Conversation: Level 1  Help: Raise your hand  Activity: Work with your partner to complete the pages  Movement: You may sharpen your pencil and go to the bathroom with permission  Participation: Eyes on paper and book, writing on paper, only talking about the assignment.

39 Reflection  How does the Middle East use oil?  How does the World use oil?

40 Scavenger Hunt: Products Made From Oil  Locate 10 products in this classroom that are made from oil. Record them on a sheet of paper.

41 Wednesday March 2, 2011  Agenda- 1) Bellringer 2) Vocabulary 3) Benefits of Oil  Bellringer- Open your notebook to the 3 rd section and copy down yesterday’s learning target. Address the learning target in one paragraph. I can explain why oil is important for people all around the world

42 Thursday, March 15, 2012  Check in with Frank  Supply & Demand  Brain Pop  Activity  Reflection  Check out with Frank Learning Target: I can discuss supply and demand. Bellringer:  How much is a superstar in the NBA or WNBA (such as Shaquille O'Neal, Lebron James, Lisa Leslie, Chamique Holdsclaw) paid compared to an average player?  Do you think you'd pay more for a 1962 Corvette or a 2004 Corvette (assuming that both are in good condition)?  Which costs more, diamonds or gravel?

43 Supply & Demand Vocabulary  Supply: The total amount of a good or service available for purchase; helps determine price  Demand: The willingness and ability of the people within a market area to buy particular amounts of goods or services at a variety of alternative prices  Supply and demand- economic system that determines price in a market economy

44 Supply & Demand Supply Increases Prices go Down

45 Supply & Demand Supply Decreases Prices Increase

46 T-Shirt Design Activity 1. Partners (2 people) 2. 4-6 Minutes to design a t-shirt 3. 5 minutes to survey class about how much they are willing to pay for your t-shirt design 4. Graph Results 5. Analyze results

47 T-Shirt Design Activity Expectations Part 1 (Design T-Shirt)  Conversation: No higher than a Level 1  Help: Raise your hand if you are confused  Activity: Work with your partner to create a design for a t-shirt that you would sell to classmates  Movement: You may sharpen your pencil  Participation: Talk to your partner only about the assignment and draw a school-appropriate design on your paper

48 Design Expectations Part 2 (Survey Peers)  Conversation: Level 1  Help: Raise your hand  Activity: Survey your classmates and determine how much they would pay for a t-shirt with your design on it  Movement: Move around the classroom, sharpen your pencil, go to the bathroom (w/ permission)  Participation: Tally the number of people who would buy your t-shirt at each price

49 T-Shirt Activity Expectations Part 3 (Create Graphs & Analyze Data)  Conversation: Level 0  Help: Raise your hand  Activity: Tally how many students would buy your t- shirt design at each price and create a line graph  Movement: You may sharpen your pencil and ask to go to the restroom  Participation: Write on you paper and do not talk to your friends.

50 Line Graphs






56 Reflection  How does supply impact demand?

57 Friday, March 16, 2012  Check in with Frank  Negatives of Oil  Learning Target: I can discuss how oil can be dangerous.  Bellringer: Examine the following political cartoon. What do you think the cartoonist is trying to say?

58 Compare & Contrast Negatives of OilPositives of Oil

59 Negatives of Oil

60 Pollution

61 Loss of Wildlife

62 Loss of Beaches

63 Loss of Wildlife, Local Economy?

64 Loss of Farmland

65 Tourism? Economy?

66 Contamination

67 Loss of Recreation

68 Long-Term Effects?


70 Political Cartoon Expectations  Conversation: Level 1  Help: Raise your hand  Activity: after examining your Venn Diagram of the pros and cons of oil dependency, pick a side and illustrate it through a political cartoon  Movement: You may use the colored pencils and go to the bathroom  Participation: Work with your partner to illustrate your viewpoint

71 Reflection/Brief Argumentative Piece  Think about what we’ve talked about the last few days about oil. Would you rather live in a country that has many oil refineries or one that has few? Weigh both the pros and cons and argue.


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