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There is another way… Welfare to Work Conference June 2011 Presentation by Jonathan Baldrey and Penny Thomas.

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Presentation on theme: "There is another way… Welfare to Work Conference June 2011 Presentation by Jonathan Baldrey and Penny Thomas."— Presentation transcript:

1 There is another way… Welfare to Work Conference June 2011 Presentation by Jonathan Baldrey and Penny Thomas

2 Jonathan Baldrey Penny Thomas

3 the world has changed

4 shocking

5  PRAP data printed off and then keyed onto spreadsheet  Printout keyed into Microsoft Word  Customer telephoned and appointment made to come in  Letter typed in Word, envelope hand-written  Customer keyed onto in-house computer system  If customer comes in, consultant starts by asking them to fill in a form, data keyed again into in- house computer system  Customer invited to CV surgery, where they “start from scratch” by writing a new CV for the customer in Word  Customer referred to Job-Finding team, who have no access to customer information and start again by asking customer who they are and what they are looking for  Customers are expected to search for jobs on the internet and apply online, but no use of customer data to complete application forms

6 50%

7 Future Survival = Technology

8 E-Welfare to Work: The Virtual Consultant

9 Virtual Consultant helps most people some of the time some people all of the time

10 Virtual Consultant Genesis (engagement) Questions (registration) Into Work (matching) In Job (sustainability)

11 Genesis Software which: Scrapes PRAP info Scrapes PRAP info E-mail / text / automatically produces letters to customer E-mail / text / automatically produces letters to customer Invites customer to register online or walk into provider Invites customer to register online or walk into provider Automatic chasers Automatic chasersResults: Reduce from 18 to 4 staff, saving at least £400,000 per year Reduce from 18 to 4 staff, saving at least £400,000 per year At least maintain current 71% conversion At least maintain current 71% conversion

12 Questions Range of ways customers can register – online, at a centre, in their own home etc Fun and really simple to use Speed of gathering data Touch screen enabled Wrap around customer, but not be subjective (ie equal opps, personalised) Multi-language capability All customers treated fairly, but not the same

13 Savings  50% of customers could fully register using Questions  Consultants have 50% more time to spend on supporting people into jobs rather than data collecting  Data quality better

14 Into Work

15 In Job Less work done here than anywhere else, no clear solution Less work done here than anywhere else, no clear solution Create peer groups – people who started job today (like Facebook) Create peer groups – people who started job today (like Facebook) Direct 3 rd party services such as debt management, childcare, travel advice Direct 3 rd party services such as debt management, childcare, travel advice Routeway to external mentoring support Routeway to external mentoring support


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