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02/04/2009 University of Manchester ADIENT meeting 5 – Gareth Thomas, Maria Frontoso 1 WP 1.3: Satellite data in support of ADIENT aircraft flights Gareth.

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Presentation on theme: "02/04/2009 University of Manchester ADIENT meeting 5 – Gareth Thomas, Maria Frontoso 1 WP 1.3: Satellite data in support of ADIENT aircraft flights Gareth."— Presentation transcript:

1 02/04/2009 University of Manchester ADIENT meeting 5 – Gareth Thomas, Maria Frontoso 1 WP 1.3: Satellite data in support of ADIENT aircraft flights Gareth Thomas Don Grainger

2 02/10/2008 University of ReadingADIENT meeting 4 – Gareth Thomas, Andy Sayer2 What we said wed do Four aspects to this work: 1. Providing maps of predicted satellite overpasses for flight planning 2. Providing satellite data on a NRT basis during flight campaigns 3. Provide download links to a range of satellite data corresponding to each ADIENT flight 4. Creating a tool which extracts satellite data for a given set of locations and times

3 What weve done 1. Documents detailing the predicted overpass times and locations have been created for November 2007 and March, April and May 2008. 2. A website has been set up which systematically provides aerosol properties from AATSR and MERIS on a NRT basis, as well as linking to MODIS quick- looks. 02/10/2008 University of ReadingADIENT meeting 4 – Gareth Thomas, Andy Sayer3

4 What weve done 1. Documents detailing the predicted overpass times and locations have been created for November 2007 and March, April and May 2008. 2. A website has been set up which systematically provides aerosol properties from AATSR and MERIS on a NRT basis, as well as linking to MODIS quick- looks. 3. Links to MODIS daily Level 3 and Level 2 data are available on the web. AATSR and SEVIRI will be added soon. 4. A prototype of the data extraction tool is available for download. 02/10/2008 University of ReadingADIENT meeting 4 – Gareth Thomas, Andy Sayer4

5 02/10/2008 University of ReadingADIENT meeting 4 – Gareth Thomas, Andy Sayer5

6 MODIS L3 download For each flight there are two links: For each flight there are two links: One to the MODIS L3 Terra product directory (am overpass) One to the MODIS L3 Terra product directory (am overpass) One to the MODIS L3 Aqua product directory (pm overpass) One to the MODIS L3 Aqua product directory (pm overpass) Each of these directories should contain 1 file (Global AOD at 1x1 degree) Each of these directories should contain 1 file (Global AOD at 1x1 degree) 02/10/2008 University of ReadingADIENT meeting 4 – Gareth Thomas, Andy Sayer6

7 MODIS L2 download Again, links for both Terra and Aqua data. Again, links for both Terra and Aqua data. Download the text files and them upload to the NASA LAADS data extractor. Download the text files and them upload to the NASA LAADS data extractor. This will provide a list of level 2 tiles for the day of interest. This will provide a list of level 2 tiles for the day of interest. 02/10/2008 University of ReadingADIENT meeting 4 – Gareth Thomas, Andy Sayer7

8 02/04/2009 University of Manchester ADIENT meeting 5 – Gareth Thomas 8 WP 4.2.2: Regional analysis of satellite and ground based data Gareth Thomas Maria Frontoso Don Grainger

9 02/10/2008 University of ReadingADIENT meeting 4 – Gareth Thomas, Andy Sayer9 Current work Mixing and matching datasets: Mixing and matching datasets: GlobAEROSOL GlobAEROSOL Satellite products from (A)ATSR, SEVIRI & MERIS Global, 1995-2007 MODIS MODIS Level 3 aerosol Global, 2000 onwards Glomap Glomap Model fields at approx. 2.8 degree resolution Europe only, 2004 (so far). AERONET AERONET Ground based stations Approximately 80 sites within Europe

10 Progress thus far Preliminary comparison of optical depths has been done: Preliminary comparison of optical depths has been done: Monthly means calculated from both satellite and GLOMAP data. Monthly means calculated from both satellite and GLOMAP data. Satellite measurements regridded onto the GLOMAP resolution on a daily basis. Satellite measurements regridded onto the GLOMAP resolution on a daily basis. Only model data for which there is matching satellite value included in the GLOMAP average. Only model data for which there is matching satellite value included in the GLOMAP average. Time series for grid cells containing AERONET stations also produced. Time series for grid cells containing AERONET stations also produced. 02/10/2008 University of ReadingADIENT meeting 4 – Gareth Thomas, Andy Sayer10

11 02/10/2008 University of ReadingADIENT meeting 4 – Gareth Thomas, Andy Sayer11 Note x3 difference October 2004

12 02/10/2008 University of ReadingADIENT meeting 4 – Gareth Thomas, Andy Sayer12 October 2004

13 AERONET time series 02/10/2008 University of ReadingADIENT meeting 4 – Gareth Thomas, Andy Sayer13 Southern France Purple:GLOMAP Black:AERONET Blue:MODIS (L3) Green:AATSR (GlobAER) Red:SEVIRI (GlobAER)

14 AERONET time series 02/10/2008 University of ReadingADIENT meeting 4 – Gareth Thomas, Andy Sayer14 Spanish Atlantic coast Purple:GLOMAP Black:AERONET Blue:MODIS (L3) Green:AATSR (GlobAER) Red:SEVIRI (GlobAER)

15 AERONET time series 02/10/2008 University of ReadingADIENT meeting 4 – Gareth Thomas, Andy Sayer15 Northern Germany Purple:GLOMAP Black:AERONET Blue:MODIS (L3) Green:AATSR (GlobAER) Red:SEVIRI (GlobAER)

16 AERONET time series 02/10/2008 University of ReadingADIENT meeting 4 – Gareth Thomas, Andy Sayer16 Belarus Purple:GLOMAP Black:AERONET Blue:MODIS (L3) Green:AATSR (GlobAER) Red:SEVIRI (GlobAER)

17 AERONET time series 02/10/2008 University of ReadingADIENT meeting 4 – Gareth Thomas, Andy Sayer17 Mid-Mediterranean Purple:GLOMAP Black:AERONET Blue:MODIS (L3) Green:AATSR (GlobAER) Red:SEVIRI (GlobAER)

18 What next... Why does GLOMAP show such low optical depths? Why does GLOMAP show such low optical depths? The run did not include dust, but this is unlikely to account for the discrepancy seen. The run did not include dust, but this is unlikely to account for the discrepancy seen. How is AOD being calculated from the model? How is AOD being calculated from the model? Investigate other parameters Investigate other parameters Aerosol size (effective radius, Angstrom exponent, ORAC size distributions). Aerosol size (effective radius, Angstrom exponent, ORAC size distributions). Aerosol composition/type. Aerosol composition/type. Look at coincidences with aircraft data Look at coincidences with aircraft data How close is the model and satellite to what actually seen (size/composition) How close is the model and satellite to what actually seen (size/composition) Expand the comparison to a global domain. Expand the comparison to a global domain. 02/10/2008 University of ReadingADIENT meeting 4 – Gareth Thomas, Andy Sayer18

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