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SEA Seminar Software Process Deirdre Garvey NCAR/RAL April 26, 2006.

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1 SEA Seminar Software Process Deirdre Garvey NCAR/RAL April 26, 2006

2 Money Magazine just listed “Software Engineer” as the #1 job in America!

3 What will I cover? RAL software process Software process used on a specific RAL project: The Juneau Project

4 What does RAL do? From the SE perspective… –Science support –Rapid prototyping –Real-time operational systems development and support –Tech transfer

5 RAL by the numbers 50+ SE’s 60+ projects 125+ charge numbers WIDE variety of software process among projects

6 RAL Software Process Some example areas: –Single CVS repository for RAL structured to encourage code sharing –Nightly checkout, build, install to shared /rap disk for multiple OS’s –Internal SE web site –Software process group (SPG) –Some conventions –Software process varies by project

7 RAL Software Process Some lessons learned: –Source code control is fundamental –Nightly checkout and build is a big help to developers –Scale your process to your project, too much process is as problematic as too little –Writing, using, and maintaining reusable shared code takes extra effort –Balance control and flexibility

8 RAL Software Process RAL SPG software process levels: –Created by RAL SPG after input from RAL SE retreat –Level 1: R&D 1-2 SE’s, no code delivered, minimal process –Level 2: research system Larger team, informal releases, more process Example: a field program

9 RAL Software Process RAL SPG software process levels: –Level 3: delivered system Larger team, formal releases, more formal process E.g., current Juneau project –Checklists/questionnaires created for each level to help guide discussion on process for a project

10 Now on to a specific RAL project – Juneau

11 RAL Juneau Project Very brief history: –1996 ATD installs Zeb in Juneau –1998 RAP first field program (Level 1 to 2) using system developed for Hong Kong –2000, 2002 RAP field programs –Research (Level 1) and operational aspects (Level 2/3) seesawed over the years, currently in Tech Transfer (Level 3) –Ongoing operational system in the field since 1998

12 RAL Juneau Project Scope: –A big, complex, multi-year project with significant science and engineering components –Operational real-time distributed information and (now) warning system for the Juneau, Alaska airport –20+ machines in Juneau, radars, AWS’s –300,000 lines of code –Deliverable: source code and docs –Customer: FAA

13 RAL Juneau turbulence alert system Mountaintop Anemometer Tower King Air and B737 Collecting Data Juneau Wind Profiler Turbulence Alerts in Flight Service Station Turbulence Alerts in Control Tower Turbulence Alert Alphanumeric Display Turbulence Alert Graphical Display Juneau Airport

14 FY04 JWHAS 3.0 Architecture JWHAS Ingest / Algorithm Host p0-jwhas1 Profiler Host p1-lc JWHAS Ingest and Algorithm Processes Profiler Host p1-sd Profiler Host p1-nd Rapid Update Winds 1sec Winds Interne t Read-only NFS Mount Data Archive JWHIS Host p1-anin Profiler Consensus Winds Data Archive Data Archive Data Archive re rw cf1 pd1 sm2 sm1 mr2 mr1 ec2 ec1 Consensus Winds Web Server Host p2-kern2 (DSL) Web Server Host p2-kern2 (DSL) Web Server Host p1-kern2 (cable-modem) Web Server Host p1-kern2 (cable-modem) Monitor Host p1-kern1 SysView Spong Server Data Archive statistics /monitor JAWS Users Data Archive p0-jwhas3 p0-jwhas4 JWHAS Web Content Host p0-jwhas2 JWHAS WebContent Generation JWHAS Display MD Data Archive /www /jlog2 /jlog1

15 RAL Juneau Project Staff: –Management (current): Project Manager, Science Lead, Software Architect, Software Lead –Science/Technical (over the years): ~20 different SE’s ~30 different scientists 5 different Systems Administrators Team size varied from year to year –Subcontractor in Juneau to do local support

16 RAL Juneau Project Software process goals for project: –Move towards CMM (Software Engineering Institute Capability Maturity Model) Level 2 – Repeatable –Currently at RAL SPG Process Level 3 (delivered system)

17 RAL Juneau Project Planning and schedule: –Schedule planning and tracking updated weekly (MSProject) and posted to project web site –SE’s involved in SOW (Statement of Work) planning and milestones at start of fiscal year –Scheduled code freezes and delivery dates –Scheduled milestones –SE’s estimate tasks and sign up to deadlines



20 RAL Juneau Project Planning and schedule (cont): –Lifecycle model chosen for fiscal year FY04 development effort was design-to-schedule (design and implement from highest to lowest priority with release occurring somewhere) Prior years used staged delivery (successive refinements of product)

21 RAL Juneau Project Software development: –All files for project are under source code control (CVS) –Nightly checkout and builds from CVS to shared disk –Internal requirements documents –Design documents, ICD’s (Interface Control Documents) and design reviews for new components

22 RAL Juneau Project Testing: –Simulation system maintained in Boulder for testing and integration, simulate all data feeds and separate hosts –Nightly checkout and build current pre-release code and install into simulation system –Unit testing by developers

23 RAL Juneau Project People (SE’s): –Weekly status meetings of SE team during active development cycles –Internal project web site maintained with documents, schedules, status –Software design and implementation guidelines decided on by team –Team roles defined –Team decision making process defined


25 RAL Juneau Project Some lessons learned: –CVS is fundamental –Nightly checkout and build is key –Full simulation system is a big help for testing/integration –Appropriate level of process improves communication, expectations –Make conscious process choices and involve the team in them, choose just a few areas to focus on

26 Summary Scale your process to your project Successful process depends on the team and management support of the team –E.g. support for team environment, training, communication Process is a balance of control and flexibility RAL SPG Process Level 2 (research system) is a great place to be!

27 Questions?

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