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Spis Region Folklore. Folk Ensemble a, music b, dance c, choir.

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Presentation on theme: "Spis Region Folklore. Folk Ensemble a, music b, dance c, choir."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spis Region Folklore

2 Folk Ensemble a, music b, dance c, choir

3 Folk Music instruments - contrabass, viola, violin, cymbalo, fujara, acordeon fujara is authentic slovak instrument it´s the sheperd´s flute of unique design musical expression of folk creativity The most famous folk tradiotions are : „Easter tradiotions Putting up a maypole Christmas carols“


5 Dance tradition is also kept alive in the form of music and dance Slovak folk groups perform a dance from a particular region they wear the traditional costumes typical of that region „jednokročka, dvojkročka karička, polka, čardáš, odzemok“

6 Choir Almost each village is unique for their songs and costumes They pass our folk songs from generation to generation Types of folk songs: Children songs, recruiters songs, songs about nature, military songs, wedding songs

7 Folk Ensemble - Vagonár The most famous folk ensemble in our region They keep traditions of the region It has 55 members performs in Slovakia and many other European countries

8 FESTIVAL festival in our region „European Folk and Crafts Festival „ in Kezmarok helps to keep our folklore traditions The program involves the work of craftsmen and folk dance

9 European Folk and Crafts Festival information Organized yearly - second week of July 3 days Admission fee: Adults – 4 € Children – 2€

10 Handcrafts Tinker / TinsmithWoodcarver

11 Handcrafts Pottery Wickerwork

12 Handcrafts WeavingMaking the Easter eggs Embroideries


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