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Epsilon Beta Library Club Troy Buchanan High School.

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1 Epsilon Beta Library Club Troy Buchanan High School

2 Georganna Krumlinde Library Media Specialist B.A. – University of Northern Iowa MLS - Mizzou

3 Reasons For Existence Episcpoi Tes Bibliothekes "Keepers of the Library” Help keep their library in order. Encourage others to read. Book and a torch Yellow – loyalty and honor Green – youth and hope

4 History 1931 Washington, MO 1968 – 69 statewide

5 Job for students: Read the shelves they’ve chosen. Straighten shelves. Plan activities. Put items in mailboxes. Cover books. File catalogues. Decorate. Stamp books. Pull books for assignments. Put magazines on display. Clean table surfaces. Prepare display case. Search Destiny. Stamp date due slips. Put pockets in books. Cover books. Dust keyboards. File magazines.

6 Activities: Chair Homecoming parade - fall. Chair Teen Read Week – Oct. Chair Reads and Reels. Chair National Library Week – April. Chair Beach Party – April. Chair Missouri Evening – Nov. Chair shopping cart parade – Jan. or Feb. State Officers. Fall MASL – Oct. VP – chairs fundraiser.

7 Activities continued: Serve as local officer. Chair Night of 1,000 Lights. Serve as state officer. Chair Prom Dress Exchange. Chair Pumpkin Festival. Keep NGC students aware. Chair Birthday mornings. Chair Adopt-a- Family. Exec. Off. – chair holiday get together. Chair Pumpkin Festival. Chair Back-2- School Bash. Chair Tea Party for young girls.

8 Teen Read Week Chooses activity for each day. Gateway Readers Award Cake Competition. –Sample ideas – Literary Shirt Day, Movie Night, Fine Amnesty Day, Club Shirt Day – recruitment. Communicates with sponsor about plans. Advertises around school. –Announcements, signs, etc.

9 Banned Book Week Communicates with sponsor about scheduling. Creates a display of banned books to celebrate our freedoms. Publicizes through sign and announcements.

10 Fall MASL Includes state officers and local presidents and their sponsors. Have a display of EB scrapbooks and information. Answer questions from Librarians about EB. Plan spring convention.

11 Missouri Evening Invites district fifth grade students. 4 activities (Missouri mammal trunk, famous Missourians, Map quiz, quilt – hand prints) Missouri Quiz Bowl Communicates with sponsor about scheduling. Writes a letter to invite students. Writes a letter of confirmation to those accepted.

12 Beach Party Invites district second grade students. Communicates with sponsor about scheduling. Writes a letter to invite students. Writes a letter of confirmation to those accepted. 4 activities (limbo, making leis, making a quilt square, listening to books about the beach) Gets sand bottles ready for each participant. Writes thanks to second grade teachers.

13 National Library Week Tea party for teachers and staff. Invites teachers – tea pot invitations. Encourages EB members to bring treats. Reminds EB seniors to donate a tea cup, if they wish. Communicates with sponsor about scheduling.

14 Epsilon Beta State Convention St. Louis – 2014 2-day convention College/university tour Educational tour Business Meeting Quiz Bowl Scrapbook Competition/Scholarship Competition Book Talk Competition, Photography Competition Fun activities

15 Additional Activities: Tots ‘N Teens – trick or treat. Beach Party quilt squares – Shriner’s Hospital. Local scholarship. Gateway Readers Award – Reader/Selectors. Theme of the month. Birthday mornings. Reads and Reels.

16 Activities continued: Adopt-a-Family Night of 1,000 Stars Pumpkin Festival Sci-Fi Night Mythology Night Gateway Voting Party Host Writers Week

17 Activities continued: Tail Gate Party – Homecoming Teacher Appreciation Week Summer Reading Party Potluck/Awards/Induction – May Shakespeare in the Park Operation Christmas Child Robertson Center

18 Earn an Epsilon Beta Letter Earn 35 points for a letter. Earn a second 35 points for a bar. Chair committees. Be an officer – state or local. Participate in activities. Attend convention. Participate in fund raisers. Attend meetings. Take good care of your shelves.

19 Where do I go from here? Call 636 462-5148 x 22705 Convention – March 2014 – St. Louis

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