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FESTIVALS and CELEBRATIONS When do we celebrate? How do you celebrate with your family?

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Presentation on theme: "FESTIVALS and CELEBRATIONS When do we celebrate? How do you celebrate with your family?"— Presentation transcript:

1 FESTIVALS and CELEBRATIONS When do we celebrate? How do you celebrate with your family?

2 Is a Festival different to a celebration?

3 FESTIVALS Affect a wider number of people, they are not so personal but are based on a common theme or interest. Community ( Queen’s Jubilee) Historical ( Guy Fawkes, Remembrance) Religious ( Christmas, Divali. Passover)

4 Celebrations are part of a Festival but the meaning must have primary importance. All religions have Festivals and they can be a very effective way of teaching about beliefs. RELIGIONS are a way of life… FESTIVALS are special days within that frame work.

5 FESTIVALS Festivals are occasions for remembering particular events in religions. It is important to consider the story linked to the Festival. It is important to understand the significance and symbolism for the believers.

6 RELIGIOUS FESTIVALS Religious festivals are celebrated at the same time all over the world. The festivals reflect cultural differences and beliefs. Forging links or gaining information about how different countries celebrate the same Festival could be beneficial.

7 Why attend a place of worship? For believers this is the main part of the Festival. How would a believer feel during the Festival? Why would the believers attend a place of worship?

8 FORMULA for FESTIVALS Story Food Clothes Music Ritual / Artefacts

9 HIGHLIGHT ASPECTS OF THE STORY Use drama conventions: Overheard conversations Ceremony Flash back moments Giving witness

10 Key Features: Identify the key features of the Festival and draw together what has been learnt by asking: WHAT? WHO? WHEN? WHY? HOW? Have a class celebration of the Festival.

11 ASSESSMENT When assessing the Unit the emphasis should be on the meaning of the Festival NOT simply how it is celebrated.

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