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Seasonal articles Chapter 9 (Professional Feature Writing ~Bruce Garrison)

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1 Seasonal articles Chapter 9 (Professional Feature Writing ~Bruce Garrison)

2 Seasonal articles  Prepare readers for change in weather, clothes, food, household chores, closet upkeep, holiday decorations, party and gift ideas, holiday getaways

3 Reflecting appropriate tone  Reflects tone and theme of the season  Good visual accompanying photographs  Good packaging is important for seasonal articles

4 Why write seasonal articles?  Celebrate regularity of life  Effective way to crack freelance market

5 Developing seasonal ideas  Must anticipate what readers want  Must be timely  Write in advance of the season  Find fresh angles for annual articles (Christmas in the manger story)  Use local sources for seasonal features

6 Best sources  Published specialized or theme wall calendars  Topical or theme appointment books  General almanacs:World Almanac or Information Please Almanac  State travel department calendars

7 Best sources  City, regional chambers of commerce  Holiday festival committees, organizations  Historians and history museum curators and directors  Encyclopedias and annotated bibliographies  Subject experts

8 Best sources  Newspaper, magazine, or newsletter files from a year before the annual event  Retail store managers and clerks  Product manufacturers’ regional sales representatives

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